Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Ash's POV:
"Yes . . . I know I saw your music video. It had really . . . Vivid colors. I think it was a bit too colorful and bright and as for the song in general . . . Where were you going with it?" My eyes looked around the school's courtyard, school had ended and I had been waiting for the boys to come by so we could head home but they haven't arrived and I got a call from the one and only Melody.

"I promise you that it wasn't me who composed the song! I didn't partake in the creation of it besides it didn't really suit me.Her bittersweet voice rang through my ears, it was her voice that gathered the attention of many. It was what the press adored to hear, any bad news or horrid words from her weren't thought about for a second they didn't care about that because her voice always made it seem as if she had said the most kindest words. "Uh Huh . . ." Looking around and spotting none of the boys I bit the inside of my cheek, their disappearance was going to cause us to stay up late.

"Oh yeah, my mother wanted me to tell you that we are to go to the ball together, so you'll have to tell me what you will have on before that I need you to match my dress." I rolled my eyes before humming, by this point I just want her to hang up before I do. "Okay then bye bye!" The minute the call ended I immediately dialed Paul's number finding him more resourceful then the others.

"Yes?" Hearing a bit of a shuffle from the other line only caused me to furrow my eyebrows. "Where are you guys, we're going to be late for practice!" I was holding myself back, I was close to exploding and yelling out at my phone while students are one by one walking out of the school. "Uh . . ." From the other line I could hear something me noises and whispering happening before Paul spoke up again. "Well Serena and her friends needed help to organize the music room they use to hide," There was a second of silence allowing me to hear a female voice. 'Truth untold.'

"Drew agreed to help out later telling all of us to do so as well." Having an ability to tell a lie from a truth by just listening to someone's tone of voice comes in handy. "I'll be over there." Before he could speak again I hung up on him and began my way towards the east side of the school, the location of the music room they were 'organizing'.

Serena's POV:
"Truth Untold." Dawn, Iris, Paul, and Gary all gathered around the piano as I finished up the last bit of the song.  Misty, May, Drew, Cilan, and Calem has scattered around the room. Calem passing May some blank paper just for her to make a paper plane and toss it, Misty had her eyes closed while she laid down, Cilan was entertained with a book, and Drew was looking at his phone.

We had kept quiet for so long because Paul had gotten a call from Ash, of course with the silence and my whole concentration being on the lyrics I had forgotten and accidentally whispered it out loud. This action getting a lot of looks from the girls and Gary to cover his mouth in an effort to stop me from saying anything else.

Only then I realized what I had done and covered my mouth with the paper, Paul continued to lie to Ash before he looked down at his phone with confusion.

"Um . . . He's coming . . ." It took a minute to process what he had just said before we all began to jump in place. It was a mess with all the paper planes May had created and with all the balled up paper I had gotten rid of because they weren't well thought out lyrics. There was some chairs that had been roared a couple of times which landed them in random sections of the room, music books were piling up dirt, broken instruments had now been broken with the times Misty and Iris had come here to break it out of rage. Everything was just as messy as the moment now with all of us just panicking and not doing anything.

"Okay! Everyone stop now! Serena hand me the lyrics please!" Cilan's sudden loud yell and command got all of our attention, I followed his orders and handed him the now finished work. "Okay! Drew and Gary, gather up all the broken down instruments and set them up in a corner somewhere well ordered!" Said boys rushed towards any instrument that seemed that it could no longer withstand another day.

"Calem, Paul, Dawn go pick up every paper you see and gather them together. We can't allow others to see the work whatsoever." The trio got to work, Each heading towards different sections of the room to collect paper that had been balled up, thrown, or misplaced. "Iris and I will go and get some cleaning supplies, May and Serena find a bigger garbage can." We all walked out of the room and ran around, the school goes empty after the third after school bell this meaning the last person had left.

"Do you think Ash will like the song?" I turned to look at May as my stomach began to churn. "Relax, I witness how much hard work you put into every word. I'm sure he will appreciate the song lyrics you finished up for him." I bit down on my lip, I hadn't truly finished the song because I had stopped my work once I realized what it the title should be. "I swear I'm going to wrap my hands around their necks one day." May covered my lips before pulling me aside a wall, the familiar voice of Ash echoing through the empty halls. I was bewildered as to why she had done this, we did say were we're cleaning nothing wrong with him seeing us.

"I just got an idea you distract him, give us time to at least make it look like we cleaned the room before he gets there. Okay?" She left another way before I could respond to her. Slowly gathering some courage I walked pulled out my phone and pretended to be on it, purposely bumping into Ash and dropping my phone. I'm so grateful it has a safe case and all.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I heard him growl slightly before bending to pick up my phone for me. "I didn't see you, I'm sorry!" I kept apologizing until he handed me back my phone. "Stop apologizing, it's annoying especially coming from you." His harsh words caused me to bite down on my bottom lip. "What are you even doing here? Where are the others?" He looked around expecting someone to arrive before the both of us. "They are just . . . Rearranging some things . . ." I didn't look at him for a second but the burning sensation that I felt when I ignored his gaze was close to burning a hole.

"Uh-Huh, right. I'll go look for them myself, I doubt your brain can even process what I just questioned you." As he was walking past me, unsure of what else to do I took hold of his wrist. My sudden action caused him to freeze the same way I was frozen as well.

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