Chapter 46 (Edited)

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Ash's POV:
"Wait did you compose this?" Paul reviewed a piece of paper with lyrics written on it, I stared down my mom who was getting way too involved into this so I didn't get the chance to actually put my opinion on it.

"Yeah, I was inspired easily then so I just wrote." Calem's voice came out as flustered, a hint of wanting to stutter was evident but he caught it beforehand. "You said you had an idea Mrs. Ketchum, do you think it would fit the song well enough?" My mom stopped looking my way and put on a warm smile. My dear mother had already gotten to read it before anyone else did.

"Of course, I mean Ash's father has told me I have a gift! My ideas run wild inside my head and I can easily create different sorts of scenarios for all kinds of things! I have been the director and producer of Crimson's music videos all this time!" She went on and on, I kept staring at her hoping that maybe she would keep quiet for a bit yet that didn't happen at all. "Okay then! What do you have in mind, Mrs. Ketchum?"

🕓🕑🕔🕕🕑Time Skip🕓🕑🕔🕕🕒
The moment my mom finished assembling the script she had intended for the music video, we followed her instructions. Picking up materials that could be of use for the video and finally went towards the first setting she had in mind. She didn't specifically tell us where we were going but she did show us the script which was pretty useless on her part.

"Right here?" With a hand still on the steering wheel he pointed towards a nearby building. Mom just looked at it for a second before smiling brightly and nodding her head. "This was where we recorded for your second music video ever? Do you boys not remember?" On a second look it did look familiar, plenty of stairs leading towards the entrance of the building, the skyscraper size it was, the entire place was still the same from when we first came here.

"Alright boys, help me out with the boxes!" We all got off the car with Serena following after, the dress she once had on was left behind and she went back to wearing her uniform. "What's in these boxes?" She asked my mom who just watched as Drew and Paul took out the boxes from the back of the car. "Some crops, some supplies needed, and some outfits." Amazed by what she was saying Serena just opened her mouth widely. "Hey, why don't you close your mouth? Flies will go in." I spoke up causing her to almost immediately close her mouth.

"Ah! I'm already so excited for this!" My mom gushed as she pulled out a purple box with white flower patterns over it. My world froze as I remembered the box, for a second I thought I wouldn't be able to breath. Once I regained consciousness I walked towards my birth giver and snatched the box away from her. "Why is this out of the damn attic?" Through gritted teeth, I spoke lowly making sure the others didn't hear what I was saying.

"Don't worry so much! I emptied out the baby clothing I have some old stuff for Serena, things you didn't get the chance to use." She whispered to me retrieving the box back from me. Hearing that my panic soon dissolved.

"Set up the camera so that it faces the stairs, we will take a shot there. Drew, Paul . . . As- Cilan, please go put on these suits." I watched as everyone was setting up and getting ready, I was remotely curious as to what would be the final result of this whole mess.

"Serena, honey, go put this one. The bathrooms are close by, okay?" My mom handed Serena folded up clothes that were hidden inside a bag. She gladly took them and ran off towards the bathrooms leaving behind Calem, my mom, and I together. "When will you stop being a coward and face it?" I could hear Calem muttering under his breath while he adjusted the lenses of his camera. He had been using the lenses to see where Serena was running off to before he set it to face the stairs like he had been instructed to do so.

"Honey, don't talk to yourself like that." My mom went over to pat his back, trying her hardest to console him. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" His mask was strong, he portrayed someone I wish I could come to be. He hid behind a facade and he managed to lie to my mom with his fake smile. "Okay then, Hmm, I'll go see if Serena needs any help then." She walked away leaving both Calem and I.

"You're a good actor, almost had me." I spoke up as I leaned on Cilan's car, my arms crossed over my chest. He clicked his tongue before turning to look at me, an annoyed expression was on his face. "What are you even blabbing about this time?"

"Never mind, Miss ditzy probably got to you again, right?" I joked but of course he took it seriously before rushing over to me with bloodshot anger in his eyes. "I advise you to shut up before I leave you in the hospital. I still don't see why I fell for YOUR acting, just simple words coming from your stupid mouth and I think you changed." He took a deep breath after finally letting some things out. "I'm really dumb for thinking I could trust you again." He almost sounded hurt.

Back then, back before everything came crashing down. Gary, Calem, and I all got along better then most kids, we would hang out all day when we could, eat together, sleep together, even shower together when we were just babies. We did everything together as if we were biological brothers until Gary went to a long vacation with his family and left Calem and I behind. We did still do things together but this time, we had another friend. I guess in the end it turned into competition but even when we fought at times he would have never down right told my secret out loud.

His last words before he went towards his camera remained in my head, I admit I did do something that may have caused a misunderstanding but that did not mean I would be forgiving so easily.

I cleared my throat as I took a seat the now empty back of the car. After that, when I turned to look at the way they all had gone I saw Cilan, Paul, and Drew in suits with sunglasses and everything. They walked towards us so cool-y that the trio began to gather attention from bystanders.

"How do we look?" Drew played with his tie, Paul was looking down on himself, and Cilan smiled brightly his confidence was boosted. "You guys look great! Now we have to wait for Serena to get back." Calem complimented them before looking at the way both her and my mom had gone. "It may take a while, from the boys bathroom we could hear the struggling." I wanted to laugh but I knew if I did I would possibly get beat up by Calem.

"Oh?" Cilan sounded like a confused pup when he spoke up, we all looked at him only to see he was looking towards the bathrooms. It was like a scene, my second time seeing Serena in a dress, shorter than the last one. "Woah . . ." Calem spoke up in a mesmerized state.


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