Chapter 40 (Edited)

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Serena's POV:
"Serena!" I woke up from my slumber, the loud yelling of my step mother practically threw me up awake. "Coming!" I hurriedly put on my slippers before making my way down the stairs and flee towards the voice of my step mother.

"Yes?" She sat near the piano with an already dressed up Miette sitting by the piano. "Honey, I was hoping you could play me a little something today? I want to hear the improvement Miette says she has made." My eyes scanned towards Miette who proudly sat straight in an attempt to look pleasing.

"Yes, Of course." I lazily sat by the piano and brushed back my crazy bed hair. "Anything or is there a song you want me to play?" My fingers grazed the piano while I waited for the response of my step sister. "Play 'Red Moon' and make sure you start at the pre-chorus." My eyes scanned the piano tiles, it was too early for me to be awake but I managed to find the keys and hold myself back from creating a mistake.

Miette's voice was infact improving but I wasn't the best, here and there she would hold herself back on certain notes, her face churned from expression to expression while she sang. A sign your forcing out your voice, leading it towards harms way. I glanced at Jessaline, she picked on what I noticed as well but kept quiet for the sake of her daughter. Wrapping up the song, an upcoming note was what scared me about this practice run. The minute we both hit the note, while the piano key was going low her tone went high.

I bit down on my bottom lip, as much as I wanted to say something even if I did who would listen to anything I say. "Serena," My head shot up from the pianos tiles, Jessaline looked me down before continuing in a distasteful monotone range. "Do you have something to tell Miette?" There it was, she was going to have me say what we were both thinking, I was the lamb she was sacrificing.

"U-Uh . . . I don't think I have anything to say, it's not my business." It was an amazing how I surprisingly spoke up to her force. Jessaline rose her eyebrow at my words, she licked her lips in an annoyed fashion before rising up from her seat nearby. "Didn't you say something about Miette's vocals last time? How she needed more improvement while Ursula seemed she was being held back?"

"I said Ursula was holding herself back, it didn't seem like she was being held back. As for Miette," I had began playing with my nails in an attempt to avoid this conversation but it didn't work, I looked up. "Do you have any problem with notes? You do your own thing when the notes change sometimes." Miette looked beyond pissed off over my words but surely Jessaline was pleased about it.

"I want to see you try and sing! If anything I have more potential then both you and Ursula could ever have!" Just then her sister walked into the room, while her lips were parted she didn't say anything. Miette was the superior sister with her looks, attitude, and what she considered talents. "See what you do, Serena." Both Jessaline and Miette walk away, brushing past Ursula who just stood there looking down at the floor.

It was unusual to see her this way especially after hearing the words from her own sister. Obviously they would have their fights but it was never to the point where Ursula didn't have anything to say. "Ursula I-"

"I heard . . ." She walked towards where I was and took a seat by the piano as well. Silence surrounded us, this was the first time we actually sat next to each other without having to argue. "Miette can sing . . . But she doesn't have the proper training or the proper technique . . . You on the other hand," I took hold of her hand and gently rubbed it with my thumb in a reassuring movement. "Was it her fault you were holding yourself back?"

Ursula let out an empty sigh.

"She's my sister, no matter what I do I can't be better then her because she will find a way to overshadow me. It's best that way." With that being said she got up and walked out as if nothing had happened previously.

🕓🕑🕔🕕🕒Time Skip🕒🕓🕑🕔🕕
I admired the tiny star in between my fingers, the folding was neat for someone who had done it in a rush.

"You fold this end towards the center, then loop it once like this." Dad provided a visual for me, in his hands a now completed star. "Your mother would almost always make one of these whenever she saw me, back in high school she would make me smile when she spoke about how she made them for me."

Mom walks in with a wide smile as she sees both dad and I making the star origami. "He also started to make stars for me, it was how we showed each other how much we cared for one another. It was a symbol of our love."

The feeling of having both my parents with me ran over me and I suddenly didn't feel as tired as what I was used to. I turned to look at my calendar, the ball was marked on it. "Just a few more days for the ball." I'll finally get over my stage fright after that.


Filler Chapter

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