Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Serena's POV:
"Alright you have all the materials we need?" I had met up with Calem and May barely able to escape the house of chores after my step mother kept asking for too much, until I finished everything I needed to do and so much more she didn't have any more things for me and just allowed me to go saying 'She didn't want to see my face for the entire day.'

"Yep!" I happily chirped flashing my book bag towards Calem who was packing his belongings inside a bag. "Okay, did you get the address?" Both Calem and I turn to look at May as she began to pull out her red rose designed cases phone. The design only brightened up my day as I remembered the caller ID.

"Oh! I don't remember it being that close to the school!" Calem read over her shoulder, getting a glance at her phone screen before speaking up. He swung his book bag over his shoulder before reaching out for May and my belongings. It was a usual thing for him to act like a gentleman with everyone, from girls to boys, young and old, he was always around for help.

(Time Skip)

Calem and May stepped into the home's very own front patio, getting into the shade that it provided after we had made it through the gates. I followed after them, a bit nervous to see the people who I had small amount of memory left with them. "Coming!" A familiar voice came out muffled due to the door but I could recognize the one and only person who had taught me to play the piano -amongst that both my parents as well-

"Oh! Hello, what brings you kids around?" She shifted her eyes towards Calem then May and finally me, which is where she loses it and reaches out towards me. Her warm hands cup my cheeks and I am forced to look at her. "Dear, you haven't changed a single bit! Same small lips, tiny nose, and your eyes still remind me of bambi! So cute!" She cooed over my appearance causing me to blush at everything she way saying.

"How long has it been?" Before I could even respond Drew came along with one hand inside his pocket, it was weird not seeing him in a uniform, I'll have to get use to everyone not being in the uniform. "They are here for a project, I will be taking them now." He gently took hold of May's wrist causing a light blush to form. Calem and I remained outside with Ash's mother, her hand had grasped onto Calem's wrist which would explain why he wasn't going after May.

"How have you two been? It's been so long since I have last saw you!" She finally released us as we walked inside her home, slipping into comfortable slippers she had displayed for guests. "Years, we are really sorry about not being able to talk with you." Calem responded looking around with an amused look. The house was wide with beautiful artifacts from different places, they had always traveled to many different places from what I can recall.

"Serena, I am really sorry we couldn't be there for you when your parents passed away. We had moved away to America years after . . ." Her voice trailed off as she glanced at Calem who had slightly shook his head, I looked at both of them in confusion. "Uh . . . Ah! How has your playing been? Have you been practicing your piano lessons?" Calem had made his way towards the piano near the set of staircases. It was cleaner then the one inside the hidden music room, with it's plain shinning white color and the small silver details it had on the sides. It's lid was closed, on top of it was a picture of the family including the group of singers together at what seemed to be backstage and by the pictures sides were two vases full of beautiful and slowly blooming blue flowers I wasn't so sure what they were about.

"We never stopped practicing . . . Serena's father continued to teach her until . . . It was his time to go away . . ." I admired how Calem would be very careful about his choice of words, I was capable of going back to normal after my fathers passing thanks to him and the girls. "I'm very glad to hear you kept playing, you know I always tell the boys this," She took a seat on the comfortable white couch with colorful sewed (?) napkins hanging on the arm rest by the end. I followed after her sitting beside her with my knees touch hers.

"I told them that even when times are rough, music will be something you lean towards to soothe you . . . It's a method to help you though thick and thin." A smile formed on my lips and I could tell Calem was also smiling.

"Gary and I will head towards the gym, see y-"

"Ash!" Delia swiftly stood up from her spot on the couch, her actions surprised me but nonetheless I was too focused on turning around to face her son. Both Gary and him wore workout clothing that consisted of jerseys that had their initials on the back and a specific number, a bag was around Gary's shoulder while Ash held onto his.

Being stopped by an older woman the boys slowly turned around, their synchronization was impeccable even when they weren't on stage dancing. When my eyes met Ash's a smile formed on my lips as I shyly waved at him.

Ash's eyes widened for a mere second but later went back to their usual appearance. "Yes, mother?" His happy tone was forced as well as his smile that was making it's way onto his lips. "It's rude to not greet guests in this household." Delia scolded both of them, Ash just rolled his eyes at this. "It. has. been. so. long. don't. you. think. it's. time!" She emphasized each word and at the corner of my eye I could tell she was slightly bobbing her head towards me.

Calem walked towards me from his spot near the piano and smiled at the shorter older woman. "It's fine, we saw them at school! Not to mention I have a lot of classes with Ash." It was true, since we all share classes together even though Ash was seated in the front of each class and both Calem and I sat at the very back. "Oh! We were here for Drew and May, it was nice seeing you Mrs. Ketchum but Serena and I really have to get our work finished especially since this one," Calem rested his hand on top my head. "Isn't much good in the subject!"

With that we bowed towards the elder woman and Calem pulled my wrist up the stairs. "It's to your right!" Gary called out before we eventually made it into Drew's bedroom where both May and him had set up papers and writing utensils everywhere. "Took you long."


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