Chapter 22 (Edited)

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A/N: I sincerely apologize for not updating, ever since school started it's a duty and a self goal I had made to not use any sort of social media for a couple of weeks until I get use to everything and create a schedule.

For those of you who experienced the Hurricane Florence, I hope you are all okay and have proper resources for anything. Please please please take care of yourselves and make sure you are completely safe!

Ash's POV:
"Rather then blazing summer sun,
I want that smile of your lips, like a setting sun . . Cocktail shake it, just how you like
I wanna be the one to mix with you tonight . . ." I scanned my verse, allowing only a few words to pop inside my head.
"Shimmy shimmy ya, Shimmy shimmy ya hey . . . Wanna take take a drive over your love, yeah, handle, skrrrr skrrrr
I make that go bang b-b-bang bang." The lyrics weren't a problem for me, admitting that they were . . . Some what Okay was something I didn't wish to say out loud.

The more I continued to just scan only partial words were stuck inside my brain. My eyes didn't leave the page though, and just continued to stare at it blankly.

"Ash! Ash! Ash! Can I tell you something without you telling anyone else?"

"Don't worry my lips are shut!"

"I think I like Serena!"

"You do? I do too! She is our best friend!"

"No not like that, I really like her!"

"Ash!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called, my eyes trailed to meet sapphire blue orbs that glazed with pure joy. A low growl escaped my lips since she had been poking me and still had her index finger on my cheek. "Don't you have class?" Serena shook her head, her pigtails shaking slightly.

"Don't you?" I had came late to school resulting in being locked out of class, this only bringing joy to me because I was able to enjoy a nice quiet time at the library to go over the lyrics once again. "No." Was the only thing I could respond before going back to reading. "Huh, oh! You're reading the lyrics again, how are they?" She set down her book bag and took a seat next to me, feeling irratated by her strawberry scent I moved over.

"Why are you here again? Did your cat come to school again?" From the corner of my eyes I saw her glance towards her book bag before she shook her head. "N-No! I made sure she stayed back . . . I'm here because I needed some books for class . . . Then I realized that they are all checked out." I hummed, wanting her to quit taking and go away already.

"You know class will be-" Having enough of her I finally pull out my earphones and plug them inside my phone, I didn't allow another beep to be heard from her as I rose the volume of the music. I checked out if Amour had any new videos but to my dismay she hadn't uploaded any in a while. As always being the curious one since birth, Serena looked upon my phone, her expression lightened up like it would whenever she found something that spiked her interests.

Before I knew it she took one of my earphones out of my ear. "You like Amour as well?" Sighing, I gave into her wanting to converse nothing more would come out if I tried to ignore her, she would find a way to disturb. "Yes . . ." I rubbed my temples in frustration, her stupid scent that was all to known for me to be able to forget and the fact she doesn't remember what had happened still pisses me off.

"Do you think she will upload something new soon? Do you want her to upload something new?"

"I don't see why she shouldn't, her videos have grown popular over the last few months . . . If she doesn't at least update them about how she's doing or what she is working on, many will speculate that it's just whenever SHE wants. This giving her a selfish image." I didn't look up from the paper of lyrics but what I spoke was true, every single thing an idol did it's all monitored by viewers, how they are portrayed, how they are promoted in different places of the world all depend on how they see the idol.

"I see . . . Are you saying all of this because of the times you were titled the harshest member out of Crimson?" My head shoot towards her direction, her eyes were on the other side of the library which was empty. "That's just haters, Those aren't true fans if they title their idol a cold hearted person."

She turned to look at me and flashed one of her closed eye smile, her cheeks were dusted with pink. "You know, they say if you close your eyes and wish upon something you want and then count to your favorite number out loud it will come true." It confused me how she changed the subject in a matter of seconds and acted like nothing happened.

"My knee hurts!"

"Ash, don't cry! It'll be fine!"

"I can't stop crying I want my mommy!!"

"Hmm . . . Look, it's a ume!"


"My mom told me about them, In the old hanakotoba indicated loyalty. They bloom in spring just before the cherry blossoms."

"I'm now more the ever going to wish that Amour uploads something . . . Oh I have to go already! It was nice talking with you!" Serena hurriedly picked up her book bag before rushing out of the library. My mind had drifted away while she was speaking. Well look on the bright side, she finally left!


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