Chapter 1

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To recap, Zeus and Janus are in the bunker and Zeus just stole Janus' power from Macie and Bailey. Also, sorry for the large number of pronouns. You'll understand why I don't use names in a portion of it.

Third person POV
Bailey falls to the ground, and that's when Lucifer loses it.
"Y-" he begins, ready to begin a very long string of swears, but Zeus cuts him off with the snap of his fingers.
"Save your breath, Lucifer," Zeus says. He walks up to a very frightened Macie and takes her wrist before pausing for a moment. "You guys are fun to watch. I'd hate to stop the fun now, so I won't! Well, it won't be fun for you, but that doesn't really matter to me! Have fun!" He snaps his fingers, and he disappears with Macie, freeing everyone else in the process.
Lucifer runs to Bailey's side, ignoring his burning back. "Hey, hey, Bailey. Wake up," he says urgently, attempting to shake her awake. He knows she's alive; her soul burns as bright as ever. So why won't she wake up?
Jesse walks up to Janus, his mind in overdrive as he attempts to figure out what to do. "Where would he have taken her?" he demands.
"I don't know," Janus replies. "I don't know where gods hang out in their free time. I've been stuck in that statue for so long, I don't know what's going on here anymore."
"Best guess?"
Janus shrugs. "Uh... Elysian Fields? Maybe? I can't see Zeus going there, but if he's not on Earth..."
"Any chance is good enough for me," Jesse replies. "How do I get there?"
"You can't. If you were human, you could wait 'til you died and hope for the best, but I can tell by looking at you that you're not. Maybe if you had a god with actual god power, you could get there, but I doubt you've got a kind of gods on speed dial."
"No, I don't, but you've got to have some god friends. How can I get there?"
"You can't," Janus repeats.
Suddenly, the commonly repeated words of people not involved in the fandom when they hear Supernatural fans talking are said, very loudly and in exactly the same tone.
"What the hell is going on right now?"
Gabriel turns to the boy and says, "Zeus just hightailed out of here with Macie. Come on, Jared. Keep up."
"Who the hell is Jared?"
"You're Jared..." Gabriel reminds him, now just as confused as him.
"Sam, tell me that doesn't look like Gabriel the archangel with a beard," the boy next to him says.
"What? That's not... Holy crap, you're Gabriel the archangel."
Gabriel nods slowly. "Uh huh... Are you pranking us or something? You two usually save this for set."
"Moose, care to explain?" Crowley asks.
"Um... I-I don't really know..."
"Gabriel, is this another trick?"
"No, last trick I've played was throwing you and Cas in Titanic," Gabriel reminds him. "I haven't had any better idea since then, so I'll leave that as my legacy for now."
He looks around, his eyes landing on the angel. "Oh, Cas, thanks god. What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know what you mean, Jensen," Castiel replies.
"Jensen?" he repeats. "Who the hell is Jensen?"
"Apparently you are," Crowley replies. "Huh. I think I'll stick with Squirrel."
"Shut up, Fergus."
Crowley rolls his eyes. "I'm three hundred years old. I don't have to take orders from my mother."
"Okay, seriously, does anybody know what's going on?" Gabriel asks.
"I'm surprised you haven't caught on yet," Lucifer says.
"If you know what's going on, please, enlighten us," Gabriel says.
Pointing to everyone as he calls their name, he says, "Sam, Dean, Crowley, Rowena, uh... That guy-"
"Kevin," he finishes.
"Yeah, whatever. And for their benefit, that's Gabriel, Castiel, Michael, Mark, Janus, Jesse, and I'm Lucifer. You'll probably meet their vessels, so Gabriel's vessel is Richard, Castiel's vessel is Misha, Michael's vessel is Matt, and my vessel is that ghost over there. Okay, introductions over. Now can we do something productive like finding my daughter or waking Bailey up?"
Sam takes a step away from Lucifer almost subconsciously, but Lucifer doesn't bother reassuring him that he means no harm. If people don't get on track and start doing the things that really matter soon, there's no guarantee that he won't hurt people.
"Okay, um, further explanation please?" Gabriel asks.
Lucifer rolls his eyes before very quickly explaining, "Zeus stole Janus' power from Bailey and Macie and now he's also the god of change and transformation and all that stuff so he changed everyone but the angels into their characters from Supernatural if they have one and now we have to find Zeus and get him to change them back and to find Macie and find someone to wake Bailey up because she's in some sort of supernatural coma and I don't think any of us can wake her up and-"
"Breathe,  Lucifer," Michael advises him.
"I'll breathe once I have Bailey and Macie back," Lucifer replies.
"And why should we help you?" Dean asks.
"Because I told you to and you don't want an angry archangel on your ass."
"We've had plenty of angry angels on our asses, and we're still here," Dean replies.
Lucifer bites back a sarcastic remark, knowing it won't help his case. He knows Sam and Dean won't want to help him. The Lucifer they know has done some pretty bad things to him, and they're not far from what the real Lucifer would have done. But he can't not get their help, either. He looks down at Bailey lying on the floor, and his heart breaks all over again. There's only one strategy he's yet to try, and if that doesn't work... Well, he'd rather not think about that.
"Then will you help because it's your job?" Lucifer asks. "You help people. It's what you do. Well, help her. Please."
"We help people," Dean repeats. "That girl isn't a person."
"Yes, she is," Lucifer tells him.
"Wait, seriously?" Dean says in surprise. "But I thought she was your bitch or something."
Lucifer bites back an angry retort and instead replies calmly, "She's my girlfriend, and she's human. Is that a problem?"
"You, the devil, are dating a human," Dean repeats in disbelief. "Yeah, I don't buy it."
Lucifer sighs. He didn't expect them to. He looks back down at the girl lying limp next to him in defeat. She looks so peaceful like this, but at the same time, so lifeless. Maybe it's related. Maybe it's because you can't truly find peace while you're alive. There will always be problems stressing you out. Problems like this one. Problems like losing the two people you love more than anything. Lucifer scoops her up bridal style to carry her somewhere more comfortable.
"Lucifer..." Michael says in a low voice.
"What?" he snaps.
"You shouldn't carry her. Your back-"
"Yeah, whatever," Lucifer replies, walking away and finding her bedroom. He opens the door with his mind, knowing he doesn't have enough limbs to do it with. He gently places her on her bed, folding her hands across her stomach in a very poetic way. He kneels next to her, ignoring the burning sensation in his back as he stays with her.
He never should have brought her back to life. She should have stayed in Heaven. She's only gotten a few more weeks to live, and now she's stuck in dreamland instead of reliving her favorite moments. It's possible she'll stay like this forever. But she can't. She's human; she needs food and water. How will she get those? She's unconscious. She can't eat or drink. This just got way harder.
Lucifer heard gott steps approaching, stopping once they reach the doorway. Who would have followed him? Oh, probably Michael. Dammit, Michael. Why can't a guy just be alone?
"What do you want?" Lucifer snaps without turning around.
To Lucifer's surprise, the voice isn't Michael's. It's Jesse. He's not used to anyone here; he's probably spent all his time with Macie since he arrived. The fact that he's go to his girlfriend's dad, who happens to be the literal devil, alone means that this probably isn't something for Lucifer to ignore. Well, he'll ignore it anyway. He's not really in the people mood today.
"I don't know what type of help you're expecting, but I'm a hundred and ten percent sure I can't do it," Lucifer replies.
"And I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that I don't care," Jesse replies. "I need to find Macie, and I'm sure you want to, too. If you can't get me to the Elysian Fields, which is where Janus said I might find her, go find someone who can. Either way, she's coming back with us."
"I can't fly and I have no friends. Sorry, no help here."
"You don't need friends," Jesse replies. "I'll take your worst enemy if you know someone that can get me where I'm going."
"My worst enemy won't help me out either."
"Then find someone who can," Jesse commands. "I'm new to this dimension. You're not. You've got to have some sort of connections that-"
"You don't give up, do you? I can't help you, so stop asking."
"Fine," Jesse says, a bit of anger in his voice. "I only came to you because I thought you loved your daughter, but I guess I should have known better than to ask the devil for help."
Lucifer doesn't give him a response to that. After all, there's nothing to say. He has every right to be upset. Considering he's the last functioning parent to Macie, he should be the one to look for her, but he can't leave Bailey. When it becomes clear to Jesse that he isn't getting the desired response, he storms out of the room.
Lucifer just buries his head in his hands, unable to look at the lifeless girl in front of him any longer. He's done being strong. He's been trying to keep anything from getting to him, but he can't anymore. He's been strong too long, and he just can't.

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