Chapter 14

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Ryan pushes me behind him before I can protest, hard enough that I end up falling to the ground. The demon throws a punch at him, which Ryan dodges easily before returning with a punch of his own. The demon grabs his arm, flipping him to the ground. He gets up quickly, though the arm hangs by his side. He attempts to kick the demon, who then grabs his leg. He slams it foreword, knocking the demon to the ground. The demon trips him, then stands up quicker than the fall. He grabs Ryan and throws him, and I'm suddenly reminded of a demon's strength.
I pull my blade out, ignoring Ryan yelling at me to stop. I try to stab the demon, but he takes my wrist, trying to push my hand away from him. He begins to twist my arm, and I have to refrain from crying out. I quickly grab my blade with my left hand, which has never been my strongest, and kick the demon in the knee. In the moment of distraction, I stab him in the stomach, careful to avoid the heart and lungs. I see the electricity cackle, and I know the demon is dead, leaving the coach he possessed breathing heavily, his pain clear.
"How did you do that?" Ryan demands, walking up beside me.
"Do what?" I ask.
"You killed it."
"No, coach is still alive," I say, not mentioning the fact that I killed a demon.
"No, you killed the-" he cuts himself off, his frustration clear. He takes my angel blade from my hand before I can't protest and holds it up, examining it.
"No symbols..." he mutters as he spins it around. "So how did it kill...?" He looks at me. "What is this?"
"A blade," I reply as if it's totally normal to carry a blade around with me.
"What type of blade?"
I shrug. "I don't know," I lie.
"Where'd you get it?"
"I don't remember," I lie again.
"You don't-" He sighs, wiping his face with his free hand in exasperation. "Okay, never mind. We need to call an ambulance."
"There's no time," I reply. By the time it got here and to the hospital, coach will be dead.
"We can't just leave him here! If you're worried about getting in trouble, tell the cops it was self defense. But he needs help. Now, before it's too late."
"I know," I reply, but an ambulance isn't the help he needs. I have one option, and though I don't want to use it, it's the only choice I have.
Lucifer, I need help.
Almost immediately, Lucifer appears in front of me. His eyes land on the coach, who's barely conscious. He kneels down, waving a hand over the wound to make it close. Before coach can asks any questions, he puts two fingers to the coach's forehead, knocking him out.
"He won't remember anything," Lucifer assures me. He stands up and takes his blade from Ryan's hands. "And why do you have my blade?"
"What are you?" Ryan demands.
"No one you need to be concerned about."
"What are you?"
"No one," Lucifer replies.
"Demon?" Ryan asks, surprising us both. "I've never seen them heal, but you can teleport..."
"I'm not a demon."
"You know about demons?" I ask in surprise.
Ryan looks down at me, just now remember that I'm here. "What? No, I didn't say demon."
"You are the worst liar ever," Lucifer remarks.
"No, really, I didn't say-"
"Are you a hunter?" I interrupt.
He looks at me in surprise. "You know about hunters? Are you a hunter?"
"Sort of," I reply. "Look, we can talk in a minute, just... Not here."
"Then where?" Ryan asks. "Where could we go that's any safer than here, where people won't think we're insane?"
I look up at Lucifer. "Bunker?" I ask.
Lucifer hesitates, then nods. "Fine, but Michael will be pissed if he finds out."
He flies us to the bunker, which completely confuses Ryan. Everyone looks up when we appear, seeming worried.
"Mom, Dad, what-Hey, who are you?" Macie asks.
"Better question," Mark says. "Why are you hanging out with a guy when you already have a boyfriend?"
I notice Ryan looking between Mark and Lucifer, confused as to how there are two of them.
"I'll explain everything in a minute," I assure them. "But first..." I look at Ryan. "I feel like we've got a lot to catch up on."
I lead Ryan to my room, where I sit in the bed and he leans against the door in front of it. Neither of us speak for a moment, not sure what to say.
"So..." I begin awkwardly. "You're a hunter?"
He nods. "Yep. You too?"
I nod. "Yep." Not much of one, but I'm still a hunter.
"Since when?" Ryan asks me.
"A demon got in a car crash with me, so these guys took me in until we could kill it," I explain. "Now the demons think I'm a hunter, so I'm stuck being a hunter. How about you?"
"Seventh grade," he replies. "An old friend of mine killed himself because his girlfriend was cheating on him with another friend. For a middle schooler, he was pretty heartbroken. He came back as a ghost and killed his ex, and then came looking for me like he never died. I figured out how to get rid of ghosts and burned his body before he could kill the other guy. I've been hunting since then."
"So the entire time we were dating, you were a hunter?"
He nods. "Yep. I wasn't much of one, though. Mostly ghosts and things like that, but I was still hunting. I wanted to tell you so I didn't have to lie about where I was when you'd call, but I figured 'hunting a ghost' wasn't going to cut it."
"It's probably better that you didn't," I agree. "Do you still hunt?"
He nods. "More than I used to. The real reason I went to California and dropped sports was because I met another hunter on a hunt when I was at Harvard. He told me he had a group of hunter friends in California, and he could use some more help over there. I figured I'd probably do more good there. Working alone isn't very easy. I couldn't take out vamp nests or big things like that alone, but we've found a lot of them in California to take care of."
"So you don't go to college anymore?" I ask.
"I do," he replies. "I just changed what I do in my spare time. But I'm sure that's a lot less interesting than what's been going on here. Did that girl call you her mom?"
I nod. "Yeah."
"But she's, like, your age."
"She's actually only a couple months old," I tells him.
"The guy that brought us here? He's an angel," I tell him. "And my boyfriend. That girl out there is our daughter. The little girl she's sitting with is our granddaughter, and her dad is the god Zeus, who raped my our daughter. The boy she's with is her boyfriend, who's a demon from another dimension and is playing fake dad to her daughter."
"What?" is his only response.
"Okay, so the guy that healed the coach is my boyfriend," I repeat. "He's also an angel. The blonde girl is our daughter. The little girl is her daughter, and the boy sitting with them is her boyfriend."
"So you're a grandmother," he repeats.
"Technically, yes," I reply.
"And all of this has happened since October."
I nod. "Yes."
"That's... Okay, I've seen some really weird things, but this, this takes the cake."
"Trust me, it gets weirder," I reply. "You're lucky Zeus isn't here anymore. And if God shows up... That'll be interesting."
"Okay, seriously, you've been hunting for four months, and your hunting life is already way cooler than mine. You met Zeus?"
I nod. "I did. He was pretending to be the Judaeo-Christian God, and it was just a whole big mess. The real God is a lot nicer than Zeus, though."
Ryan just stares at me as he comprehends this. "Okay, this is insane. Even for a hunter, this is insane. I thought angels were crazy, but you're meeting gods?"
"Only three of them," I reply. "God, Zeus, and Janus."
"Where does Janus play into this?"
"The whole clown thing was controlled by a statue of Janus, so I broke it and died, and then Lucifer went-"
"Lucifer?" Ryan repeats. "The devil?"
"Yeah, he's my boyfriend," I tell him hesitantly, not sure I want to see his reaction.
"You're dating the devil?" he demands.
"He's not a bad guy," I assure him. "It was more God's fault than anyone's that he's got such a bad reputation. But he doesn't like you already, so don't get in his bad side, or he will kill you."
"Oh my god, this is... Are you just messing with me now?" Ryan asks. "This can't be real."
"It is," I reply. "It gets weirder, believe it or not. So, remember that show Supernatural that I used to be obsessed with?"
Ryan nods. "Yeah, the ones I never watched because I thought it would be too inaccurate."
"Well, it's not. The cast is full of hunters, who are the people I'm living with. Most of them, anyway. Zeus changed some of them into the characters from the show, so now no one really knows what's going on and we're basically all a complete mess."
"Okay, now I know you're screwing with me."
I shake my head. "Nope. All one hundred percent true."
"And after all this, I'm still hung up over the fact that you're friends with an angel."
"I'm friends with a few angels," I reply. "I'm dating Lucifer, but I'm also friends with Gabriel, who's also an archangel, and Castiel, who's just another angel. The archangel Michael hangs out here a lot, too, but we're definitely not friends."
"Aren't there four archangels?" Ryan asks. "Where's the other one?"
"Raphael is dead," I reply simply.
"Right, of course. Killing an archangel. Because that's normal. But I guess it isn't the weirdest thing that's happened here."
"I think the weirdest thing would be the clowns," I reply.
"Okay, what's up with the clowns?"
I vaguely explain everything that's happened in the last four months, leaving out anything personal. It mostly ends up being a brief overview of the demon that almost got me killed, the clowns, the thing with Janus' power, and Zeus. I leave out how much of a dick Rob was to Lucifer, deciding that's not important. I look at Ryan when I finish, waiting for his reaction.
"Okay, this is probably the weirdest thing to be wondering after all that, but how does the cast film if you're always hunting?"
"I think we start filming after Christmas," I reply.
"'We'?" he repeats. "You're going to be in it now?"
I nod. "Yeah, I sort of got dragged in by Matt Cohen, Michael's vessel. I don't know who I'm playing, but what I do know is that it totally messed things up, and now there are a bunch of rewrites, which is why it's taking so long to start filming."
"I never pictured you for the drama type," he admits.
"Trust me, it wasn't my idea," I reply.
"My life is looking really uneventful next to yours."
"Sometimes, uneventful is nice," I say. But I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

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