Part 7

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Ever since teams RWBY and NIKL fought and defeated Roman, White Fang activity has been at an all time low. Everyone expects them to flair up again, but for now, it was back to school. Today was like any other day, boring babbling from professor Port, incoherent babbling from professor Oobleck, but now is time for everyone's favorite class, sparring class. And Pyrrha was absolutely wrecking the whole of team CRDL, by herself mind you.

Phyrra defends herself from Cardin's mace before countering with a dash attack, dropping Cardin to his knees, meanwhile, Isaac and Leon are off to the side narrating the whole thing.

Isaac: Ah, the mace, a powerful but cumbersome weapon and a poor choice against a spear.

Pyrrha takes down Dove as Sky enters the fight.

Leon: Here comes Sky, not one to back down so easily.

Pyrrha penetrates Sky's defenses and knocks him over before going after Cardin again.

Isaac: Oooh he'll feel that in the morning.

Cardin slams the ground, causing an explosion before knocking Pyrrha back.

Leon: Yeah, swing with feeling, he's got her on the run.

Suddenly, Sky returns, Pyrrha dodges him while simultaneously blocking an attack from Cardin, Pyrrha then knocks Sky down, leaps off Cardin, and knocks him down too by throwing her shield, which bounces back and hits Sky.

Isaac: But then again, nothing lasts forever.

The rest of team CDNL jumps back into the fray, Pyrrha dispatches Dove and Russell easily, she then dodges an attack from Cardin and counters with bullets, but Russell deflects them with his daggers and dropkicks her, Russell then joins with Dove to assault Pyrrha before backing off and letting Cardin get involved.

Isaac: Could it be these nuts are actually doing something resembling teamwork?!

after a brief standoff, Cardin is knocked away and Russell rejoins the action, after Pyrrha dispatches him she and Dove start going to blows, Pyrrha blocks a few bullets from Dove's sword before taking a swipe at him, Dove jumps back as Cardin gets up and swats Dove aside while winding up another attack.

Leon: If I can quote a wise man, "nothing lasts forever".

Cardin unleashes a fiery shockwave, Pyrrha dodges it before unleashing a flurry of attacks on Cardin, taking him skyward, and slamming him to the ground.

Isaac: And he's out of there *mimics a cheering crowd*.

Glynda: And that's the match.

Cardin: *Groans* Lucky shot *passes out*.

Glynda: *Approaches "Well done miss Nikos, you should have ne problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you professor

Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers?

Leon and Isaac start doing rock, paper, scissors.

Glynda: Miss Belladonna?

Blake looks up from the book she's reading.

Glynda: You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you--.

Mercury: I'll do it.

Isaac gets ready to say something, but stops.

Leon: *Leans over* You were gonna try and protect her weren't you?

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