Part 11

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After clearing all the grimm and White Fang explosives from the streets of Vale, team NIKL was relaxing in their dorm, or trying to relax. Isaac was panickingly pacing back and forth, Nina was laying on her bed recovering while Kayla tended to her wounds, and Leon was trying to calm Isaac down.

Isaac: What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

Leon: Yo, Coonie, calm down man, Nina's trying to rest. What's got you in such a tizzy, man?

Isaac: You don't understand, I can't go to his circus, you don't know what he'll do to me if he finds me!!

Leon: *slaps Isaac* Calm down. Sheesh. You're really loud, y'know that? Look, it's just the circus, it's gonna be fine man.

Isaac: *takes a deep breath* thanks, I needed that. Anyway, I can't go to his circus.

Leon: And why not?

Isaac: Because, I-I. I was in that same circus.

Leon: So? What's the big deal dude? If anything happens we'll just leave, not like they can force us to stay, especially with a semblance like mine.

Isaac: You still don't get it, Dr, Bamboozle's been looking for me ever since I left his circus to pursue my life as a huntsman. If he finds me, he'll take me away, and kill you guys too.

Leon: *laughs hysterically* We fight Grimm, I took out two supposedly amazing knights with one hand, really? Look Isaac, just go. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You're safe now. Here, I can get you a mask *blinks away and returns holding a rabbit mask* Now he'll never know it's you.

Nina: *weakly sits up* Yeah, and if he even touches you, he will have to kill me to take you anywhere.

Leon and Kayla: Lay back down Nina.

At that moment, Leon gets a ping from his scroll, he pulls it out and it says "prepare for a day of laughter and merriment for the whole family, Dr,Bamboozle's Fanged Funatics circus has arrived in Vale, tickets on sale now, first show is in a few hours!"

Leon: Alright!

Leon blinks away and comes back with four tickets.

Leon: Alright, hurry up guys, the shows starting soon.

Isaac: *takes a deep breath* alright, I'm ready.

Leon: Nina, how ya feelin'?

Nina: *sits up* I can walk, and I don't feel any pain.

Leon: Nice work Kayla.

Kayla: Well I was a nurse before I was a warrior.

Leon: Alright, let's get to the circus, it'll prolly be a great morale booster or... something... ok I confess I'm just hoping someone gets hurt, it's always funnier when a clown gets hurt.

Isaac: Not cool, a clown is the reason I'm here today.

Leon: Sorry man, just saying though, the clowns do some crazy stuff and it's always funny when the actually get injured during their slapstick routines.

Isaac: Yeah I guess, now let's not delay any longer, I'm ready let's go.

Team NIKL heads into town, once there, they find the circus tent standing among concession stands and other commodities.

Leon: You two find out seats, I wanna talk with Nina for a bit.

Kayla: Alright, and don't worry, I'll keep Isaac from freaking out *leads Isaac to the ticket line*

Leon: *turns to Nina* First off, you sure you're good to walk, you looked pretty banged up.

Nina: I'm telling you I'm fine.

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