'Dis' Order of the Maidens

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All was quiet in Beacon's secret vault. Just days ago, Kayla and her sisters had learned the Maiden of Autumn was assaulted and morally wounded by unknown assailants, and her unconscious and dying body was now hidden under Beacon academy, now she, along with her sisters and the most skilled knights in the Order were guarding her.

Helen: Um, you guys sure this is necessary? I mean, no one knows where this place is.

Isabel: Of course it's necessary, the face of our faith is on the line, and we will give our lives to assure her safety. *darts her eyes around as if looking for some unseen threat*

Isabel suddenly gets a call from her communicator.

Isabel: *answers* talk to me Ligero.

The sounds of battle and hysteria come from the other end.

Ligero: This is Legero of the 5th snowflake unit, shore up the defences, someone really powerful is trying to breach the vault, and she's not playing games! *the sound of an arrow flying through the air and hitting it's mark comes through* Aggh, uh, seal the vault, and s-save the Maiden. *the signal statics out*

Isabel: Ligero, Ligero come in! *draws her billhooked sword* Everyone get ready, someone's coming for the Maiden!

Everyone starts scrambling to retrieve their weapons and set up defences. When Jarrod clad in a suit of white gold armor exits of the elevator, accompanied by Pyrrha, Jaune, Ozpin, and an entourage of fully armed knights.

Jarrod: Isabel, have they breached the vault yet!?

Isabel: No sir, you're the first to come through here.

Jaune: What is this place?

Pyrrha: It's... a kind of vault.

Jarrod: Count yourself lucky young man, you have the opportunity to witness the birth of a new age.

Jaune: You've... been here before?

Jarrod: Of course she has, and you'll understand why in due time.

Jaune: What would this school need to... hide?

Ozpin leads Pyrrha to a large machine that features two pods, one pod was empty, and in the other slept the unconscious Maiden of Autumn.

Ozpin: Pyrrha, get to the pods! Jarrod, ready your forces for battle!

Jarrod: Of course Ozpin!

Ozpin: Mister Arc, if you would like to help, then aid Jarrod in standing guard here.

Jarrod stands up in front of his forces.

Jarrod: Brave warriors of the Order, I can hear it here, the lot of you are shaking in your armor, well such fear will not be tolerated here! Now listen, *points to the elevator door* whatever comes through there has made the mistake of messing with the Order of the Maidens, you are the best and bravest that Remnant has to offer, and I know, you all will assure they are not around to regret challenging us!!!

Jaune: *whispers to Kayla* wow this guy's really convincing.

Kayla: *whispers back* you should hear him on our monthly grimm hunts.

Jarrod: Our most glorious Maiden shall give her life to save us all, and so I ask you, will you not give your life to save her's?

The Order cheers in response to Jarrod's words.

Jarrod: Then sound the call of war, and let us change the face of history!!

The Order cheers again, but their ecstasy was disrupted when the elevator door opened, and Cinder stepped out.

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