Part 10

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Leon suddenly wakes up after hearing a voice call him in his sleep, the first thing he does is look around to discover the Isaac isn't there.

Leon: Guys, guys, everyone wake up!

Nina: *Jolts awake* what's going on, are we under attack!?

Leon: No, Isaac's not here!

Kayla: *sits up* what, then where is he?

Team N_KL hears a pained scream in the distance.

Nina: Did you guys hear that?

Leon:*leaps to his feet* ISAAC! *grabs his sword and leaps through a nearby window*

Nina: Is it me, or has Leon become a lot more intense overnight?

Kayla: We should probably hurry, if Leon's serious Isaac is most likely going to die.

The two ladies grab their weapons and hurry off behind Leon.

Over with Isaac, just as he was about to be mauled by the very same grimm he had been searching for, the same figure that has watched over Isaac since he started at Beacon landed in front of Isaac's unconscious body, the figure was wearing a short black coat and death stalker mask that concealed his being.

???: Who are you!?

Lightingsign: I am LightningSign, alley to peace, enemy to you!

???: Get out of my way, or I will kill you!

LightningSign's only response was to draw a curved hilted dueling saber, the creature roared out in rage before charging at LightningSign, who slung Isaac's body over his shoulder and leaped up to the second floor, Lightningsign set Isaac down before jumping back down and delivering a lightning charged punch to the creature's face.

???: RAHH, I'll make you bleed!

Leon: *calling in the distance* Isaac, Isaac can you hear me?!

???: *Turns to LightningSign* This is the part where we part ways.

The creature vanishes into the shadows and Leon shows up.

Leon: Isaac, where are *sees LightningSign* you, what have you done to Isaac!?

LightningSign: Who are you!?

Leon: *Points sword at LightingSign* someone you oughta be afraid of.

LightningSign: You don't wanna do this.

Leon: Oh, but I do.

Leon starts blinking toward LightingSign before delivering a downward slash, LightningSign expertly blocks it, parries Leon, and stabs him through the chest.

Leon: *looks at the growing red spot and smirks* Heh heh, now you've done it!

Leon grabs LightningSign's saber blade and forces it deeper, then after a few horrifying cracking and ripping noises, Leon's left arm changes to resemble an ursa's, his eyes turn blood red, and his torso hardens into a death stalker like exoskeleton.

LightningSign: What are you!?

Leon buries LightningSign into a concrete wall. LightningSign gets up, retrieves his saber, and fires a few sparks of lightning at Leon, which barely phases him. Leon charges and smashes down, LightningSign dodges then leaps off of Leon's back, landing in front of Isaac. He the slings Isaac's body over his shoulder.

LightningSign: *looks down at Leon* Well it's been fun, but I must be going now, but don't worry, we can play some more tomorrow.

LightningSign raises his hand to the sky, and in a bright flash and a boom of thunder, he disappears, along with Isaac. Leon meanwhile, changes back to normal and falls to his knees, finding Isaac's blade staff on the ground. Shortly after, Nina and Kayla catch up.

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