Part 5

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The first semester at Beacon had come and gone, and the next one was about to begin, but for now, team NIKL was helping Isaac out of his lemon addiction.

Leon holds up a lemon bar, which Isaac tires to grab, and Nina slaps him.

Nina: No, no.

Leon holds up the lemon bar again, Isaac moves to grab it again but stops.

Kayla: Good job Isaac, you're getting there.

A pear suddenly strikes Nina in the back of the head, causing her to pick up and throw some mashed potatoes, which causes the cafeteria to burst into pure chaos. Somehow team JNPR built a large fort out of tables, and team RWBY wasn't having any of it.


Both team RWBY and team NIKL prepared themselves for the coming battle as team JNPR started off with a watermelon barrage. Yang retrieves a pair of turkeys and punches them out, Blake then follows up with a pair of baguettes. Isaac joins with two more baguettes attached to his blade staff, Nina has a long chain of sausages, Kayla is trying to shield herself, and Leon is sitting at a table doing nothing.

Isaac: How are they constantly missing you?!

Leon: Um, they have bad aim?

Leon grabs a turkey leg and takes a bite, but is clearly disgusted, Isaac suddenly slows down as Leon deflects a pie and accidentally hits Isaac.

Leon: Oops, sorry Coonie.

The pan falls off Isaac's face as he licks his lips.

Isaac: Raspberry.

The fight drags on for a good long while, but it became clear to teams RWBY and NIKL that theirs was a losing fight when Nora launched Yang out of the cafeteria. Team NIKL takes cover behind a stray table as Leon devises a plan to defeat team JNPR.

Leon: I got it!

He pulls out the lemon bar.

Isaac: Oh no, I'm not falling for that.

Leon: You sure?

Leon holds the lemon bar in front of Isaac's face as Isaac's mouth starts to water.

Leon: Yeah, you see it, you see it Coonie?

Leon throws it at team JNPR.

Leon: Go get it!

Isaac leaps out from behind the table and chases the lemon bar, which lands on jaune's face.

Isaac: Givme!!

Leon: NOW!

The rest of team NIKL concentrates their attack, only to be stuck to the wall by a bombardment of soda cans, Isaac on the other hand was spared as he sat down and happily ate the lemon bar.

Kayla: Well that went well!

Nina: Ah shut up!

But the whole predicament was cut short by an angry Glynda Goodwitch bursting through the doors, she then resets the whole cafeteria with her semblance.

Glynda: Children please, don't play with your food.

Yang suddenly crashes through the ceiling as Ozpin arrives, everyone decided to bail before they got any punishment ideas. The day went smooth from there, but the next day everyone was baffled to see a fleet of ships from Atlas had arrived. But for now, team NIKL was in the library watching team RWBY play some game.

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