Part 12

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Having won their first round in the vital tournament, team NIKL was in their dorm watching team JNPR fight in their match on the tv.

Nina: Wow, these guys must be tough if they can give even Pyrrha a hard time.

Leon: meh, Pyrrha's not that tough.

Isaac wasn't watching, he was standing in front of a wall mirror holding different fancy outfits in front of himself.

Kayla: Isaac, if I may ask, what are you doing?

Isaac: I said it once, I'll say it again, that's a private matter.

Someone knocks at the door.

Jarrod: Is anyone here?

Nina: *whispers to Leon* what now, I think that zealous nut is back for revenge.

Leon: *whispers to Nina* Don't worry, if he is here to fight, I can take him *speaks up* come in.

Jarrod enters.

Kayla: Are you here to arrest us?

Jarrod: Not at all, I heard you triumphed in you first tournament fight, well done.

Nina: Is that all you got to say?

Jarrod: No. Kayla, I wanted to tell you reinforcements from the Order will arrive soon, among them will be your sisters.

Kayla: My sisters are coming here!

Jarrod: Yes, that will be all. *Jarrod leaves*

Leon: are they hot?

Nina gives a death glare at Leon.

Isaac: Hey guys, which suit do you think makes me look better? *holds up a blue and white tuxedo*

Leon: depends, what do you plan to do in it?

Isaac: I'm uh, going out, nothing more to say.

Nina: Going out, Isaac, does this have something to do with what that team MYTH chick told you?

Isaac: Uh, no.

Leon: doesn't matter with who, I mean, if you're dressing up I'd hope you got some decent plans... and like... did you tell them, could be a dude let's not judge, that you were taking them somewhere fancy? If not they might not dress to expecta- *yawns* what was I saying?

Isaac: Well, there was this new place that was like a fancy dance club, thought about trying that.

Nina: they know you're takin' 'em somewhere spiffy? Last date I went on I was a bit underdressed because my date didn't let me know...

Leon's just laying there snoring, when the tv shows Nora knocking the entire opposing team out of the ring with one move.

Nina: Aw man, you made me miss it.

Kayla: Are you saying the outcome was in doubt?

Leon: *snorts and sits up* wha- who- pineapples?!

Isaac: Team JNPR just won.

Leon: cool.

The tv cuts to Oobleck

Oobleck: Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next one will have them on the edge of their seats.

Port: Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite. But these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone filled teammates we've seen so far. I'm of course talking about team SSSN!

Kayla: Wait a minute, Sun is playing in that match!?

Nina: If you'll excuse us, we wanna actually go watch this one.

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