Part 21

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'A few days ago'

Mabel had lost track of how long it has been, something was pushing her to maintain control of Isaac, and she can feel her limit approaching. Suddenly she screamed out in pain and collapsed just as her captor entered.

???: *sees what happened* Oh, no no this isn't right!!

All the sudden Salem appeared.

???: M-m'lady, I deeply apologize, this wasn't supposed to happen, the creature you sent pushed her too hard and she just--.

Salem: *puts a hand up, signaling to stop talking* I knew this would happen inevitably.

???: S-should I get rid of her?

Salem: No, right now her puppet is off his strings *she starts spinning dark energy in her hands* let's change that.

Present day.

Ironwood stood just outside the medical tent, he had finished healing from the Summer Storm's attack and the mechanics just finished reattaching his arm, now he wondered, when will he strike next.

Trooper: *quickly runs up* sir *huff* sir, we just lost contact with our forward sentries.

Before Ironwood could form a response, he saw it. Humanoid shapes moving closer and closer to the camp, two of which he very clearly recognized.

Meanwhile outside of town, the Iron Armada was preparing to set out and look for torch again. Axel walks to his bike and mounts it whilst groaning and nursing his neck, last night Leon attacked him then vanished without a trace.

Nina: hey Axel, turn on the radio.

Anvil: I thought the radio didn't work anymore.

Axel: whatever you say. *turns on the radio*

Radio host: Chaos in the streets of Mistrial today as the Summer Storm's forces engage Atlesian forces lead by General Ironwood, currently we can't determine a determine a winner of--- what, uh yes... We just got confirmation the Summer Storm himself is personally leading the attack.

Nina: wait, the Summer Storm is down there?!?! *starts walking to her bike*

Axel: *puts a hand on Nina's shoulder* Nina wait, what are you doing?

Nina: Axel, Isaac must be there too, and if not we can follow them back to their hideout and find him that way!

Anvil: You sure this is a good idea?

Instead of answering, Nina wrestled free from Axel, mounted her bike, and took off as fast as she could.

Axel: Nina, Nina wait!!! Argh come on we gotta stop her!

Anvil quickly mounts his bike as he and Axel take off after Nina. Who Was racing through the streets without any regard to traffic, eventually reaching the battle site. Which was an incomprehensible cacophony of yelling and gunfire. Atleisan troopers and thugs shot at each other from cover, a bunch of people Nina didn't recognize cut down scores of them, and finally Nina saw Ironwood and supposedly the Summer Storm engaged in an all out slug fest atop a nearby building. Nina accelerated into the crossfire, then jumped off her bike and used her chain to grapple onto and climb up the building.

Summer Storm: You won't escape with your life this time! *throws another punch*

Ironwood ducks under the attack and lands a blow to the Summer Storm's chest piece, causing him to stagger back.

Summer Storm: *quickly regains his balance before blocking another attack* Tell me, how many times have you stood in the way of order, how many people died for your so called "peace"?!?! *raises both his fists in the air and brings them down*

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