Part 18

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Leon had recently brought Nemera to the Twin Goliath Tavern, a new pub that had opened in Mistral to speak to her. Leon looked up from his drink, glanced over his shoulder, and saw someone enter the building. He was an ox faunus with two fierce horns on top of his head, his black hair was shiny and disheveled, and he was wearing a breastplate, loose pants, combat boots, and leather gloves. He walked in and sat down at the bar, ordering something Leon couldn't really hear before the bartender ushered the faunus to the back.

Nemera: Leon, are you listening?

The bartender lead Brick to the back room and to one of the many fermentation barrels the tavern had, he then pressed a panel on the wall and the lid rolled aside, opening a secret tunnel. Brick entered the descending tunnel and came to a large metal room filled with thugs partaking in tests of strength, scientists and engineers building weapons and machines, and robots of all shapes and sizes carrying out various tasks. Brick started walking through the chaos and came to a room with a circular table which had four chairs and a large throne. Sitting at the table were three people Brick came to know over the past few months. Olivia, a girl with purple highlights in her blonde hair, a set of goggles, and an old work apron, Albert, a bat faunus with a velvet vest and cloak whose eyes were a pale blue, and Steinar, a mole faunus with squinting eyes, near sighted glasses, a bulky frame, and a diggers outfit along with a drill fitted around his right hand.

Brick: *sits down* Where is our lord?

Olivia: He hasn't shown up yet, which leads me to question, he's backed all his enemies into a corner, yet he doesn't finish them off, why?

Albert: He can remove all opposition to his plans, yet he chooses not to.

Steinar: *snorts* What I don't get is why we're sitting around doing nothing, we should be out there fighting evil!

???: All in good time, my loyal council.

The four turn to face the door, through the door came someone wearing a massive suit of armor that concealed his identity. The armor itself was a true marvel, it's visor glared with purpose and contempt, and it's metal casing gleamed in the dim light. The gauntlets were equipped with hydraulic boosters and the boots seemed heavier than they should be, and despite it's bulk, it moved with an almost inhuman grace and silence. He walked around the table and sat on the throne.

Albert: Lord Summer Storm, why must we delay the killing blow to our enemies?

Summer Storm: Do not consider them our enemies, consider them our playthings.

Olivia: But my lord, I don't understand.

Summer Storm: We break down our enemies' forces and resolve with concentrated attacks and by stealing resources. Once they are at their worst, we offer them security under our banner, thus expanding our forces exponentially. But enough of that, I have new orders for all of you.

Steinar: What do ya want us to do than? *snort*

Summer Storm: Olivia, the White Fang has a shipment of supplies in a warehouse not too far from here, see if you can't "convince" them to hand it over. Brick, certain businesses have failed to give us our protection fund, make them pay the piper. Steinar, rouge hunters from Vale are coming to visit Mistral soon, go say hello. And Albert, some of our foes are gathering in your neck of the woods, I want them subdued by the end of the week, now move!

As the Summer Storm's elite council gets up and leaves, Summer Storm stops Steinar at the door.

Steinar: What is it my lord?

Summer Storm: These hunters I'm sending you after are incredibly dangerous, just remember to mention the one I told you about, whether you're defeated or not.

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