Part 19

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In the past few months, Mabel had been through a lot. First her pawn fails to remove the biggest obstacle to her plans, then some mysterious stranger kidnaps her and claims she will cleanse the world.

Flashback, a few months ago.

Mabel suddenly woke up, she felt like she had slept for eternity, and she couldn't see anything due to a blindfold over her eyes.

???: Welcome my dear.

Mabel: W-who's there?

???: All you need to know, is that you are now part of something bigger.

The person came closer, although Mabel still couldn't see him.

Mabel: Are you the one who kidnapped me?!

???: I wouldn't put it like that, I would call it saving you.

Mabel: Save me, how?!

???: Well I would actually call it saving you, so you can save the world.

Mabel: How?!

???: It's more like my world, if I give you to my, heh "employer". Then she will return to me my family.

Mabel: And who's your employer?

A shadowy vortex appears at the edge of the room.

???: What fortuitous timing, I can get you introduced right now.

The vortex dissipates and Salem appears in the room.

???: *approaches and bows head* Greetings m'lady, to what do I owe the honor of your presence?

Salem: I came to see that "specimen" you've acquired.

???: *motions to Mabel* Oh yes of course, I have her right here. All you need to do is bring me a Maiden, and all of the pieces will fall into place. Not to mention, her semblance is the ability to corrupt one's aura, allowing her to control their mind. Think of it, with a power like that, we could only imagine what she can do as a Maiden. She could bend all of Remnant your will, and you wouldn't need the other Maidens.

Mabel: You're gonna make me a Maiden?!? But that's impossible!

???: *draws his weapon* Still your tongue!!

Salem: Now now, we don't want to damage her pretty face, now do we?

???: *sheaths his weapon* No, we wouldn't.

Salem: *stands at the edge of Mabel's cell* Now my dear, making you a Maiden will be very possible, and once that's done, you will cleanse the world.

Mabel doesn't respond

Salem: Hmm * turns away* Very well, I leave her with you.

Another shadow vortex appears and Salem leaves.


Mabel was still wondering what Salem ment by "cleanse the world", and how they could possibly make her a Maiden when her captor suddenly entered.

???: Good news my dear, we've discovered the trail of one of the Maidens, and soon your purpose will become clear.

Mabel: I already know what my purpose is, and it doesn't involve you!

???: *chuckles* You'll see that your claim is wrong soon enough. *leaves*

Kayla had holed up her forces in Albert's old opera house after defeating him and freeing all of his hostages.

Kayla: *unties the last hostage* Christine, what have you learned about the Summer Storm?

Christine: All I can find is a small list of people who are suspected of working for him, and rumors that he's running Mistral by bribing the city's council.

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