Part 15

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A/N: Today I'm doing a crossover with fellow writer RMSchmidt566's team EMBR, go check out Schmidt's profile and enjoy this story.

The chugging of the freight train woke Isaac from his deep sleep, he looked around to find he was still in the freight car, crates of various sizes were scattered everywhere, and Gareth was at the door, peeking at the outside.

Isaac: *stands up* What are you doing brother?

Gareth: *Turns around* Oh, you're awake, I was looking for something.

Isaac: What ya looking for?

Gareth: Our heritage.

Isaac: What, our heritage?

Gareth: *points outside the freight car* There it is. *puts a hand on Isaac's shoulder* hang on.

Gareth holds a hand outside the hand car and in a bright flash, he and Isaac vanish from the freight car and appear on the edge of a small forest. In a small clearing was a series of ruins, broken marble pillars lined the edges of the ruins and the marble floor was overgrown with vegetation. The most prominent feature however was a small opening in the ground.

Isaac: What's this?

Gareth: This is the secret hideout of the Foglance clan.

Isaac: Wait, we were descended from a clan?!

Gareth: Yes, and I think all the answers we need lie inside, follow me.

Gareth leads Isaac into the small opening, which spirals down into what looks like a large burial crypt, the walls were lined with indentations, each one containing a linen wrapped skeleton and a name plate. On the far wall were a series of murals.

Isaac: What is this place?

Gareth: This is our family's burial crypt, and beyond that lies the tomb of the founder of our clan, Altsera Foglance.

Isaac: And what are these pictures?

Gareth: Let me show you.

Gareth leads Isaac to the first mural, which shows a scarf clad raccoon faunus with a spear standing on a hill.

Gaerth: In ancient times long forgotten, Altsera Foglance laid claim to this land and build a secret clan of warriors.

Gareth shows Isaac the second mural, which shows an army of warriors kneeling before a shining image of the same faunus.

Gareth: Our clan became prosperous under Altsera's rule, and he almost raised them to kingdom status.

The third mural showed Altsera's body being sealed in a stone sarcophagus.

Gareth: But it wasn't to last, when Altsera pasted from this world, his son Briso took over, and the clan began to deteriorate.

The fourth mural showed men with guns and other weapons attacking the Foglance warriors.

Gareth: Then came the great war, the Foglance clan was unprepared and collapsed, the survivors fled into the woods, starting new lives, like our father Soren.

The final mural shows the shining silhouette of a lone faunus standing on the same hill in the first mural.

Gareth: However, not all was lost, as it is prophesied that a last descendant of the Foglance clan will rise up, resurrect our clan, and hold the fate of Remnant in his hands. *turns to Isaac* So you see Isaac, I think you can mean the difference between Remnant's salvation, or it's total downfall.

At that moment a cat faunus with black hair and a black tail emerges from cover, she was wearing a purple white trimmed combat skirt, and was clutching two kama tight in her fists.

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