A team NIKL Christmas 2

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It was the night of christmas, a night of family, a night of brotherhood and gift giving, and a night to wonder why the Summer Storm syndicate is suddenly off the streets. The answers lay inside the Summer Storm's hideout, where the crime lord was preparing a lavish celebration for his followers. The main concourse was now a minefield of round tables covered with fancy white tablecloths decorated trimmed with silver seating 4 to 5 members each, on the far left side of the room was a long table loaded with food made by the finest chefs in Minstral, and on the right was another long table where the syndicate's big leaders would sit, Steiner was unfortunately absent. And at the center was a large christmas tree. Isaac entered the room without the Summer Storm armor and sat down at the head table, and was then greeted by Brick and Olivia.

Brick: Didn't expect to see you here, thought you'd be selling another create of guns to the White Fang.

Isaac: The Summer Storm has shut down all operations for today, specifically for this occasion.

Olivia: Why do you think he did it?

Isaac: To raise everyone's morale no doubt, and to allow the people of Minstral to celebrate christmas in peace.

Brick: Sounds like a way to generate a security risk if you ask me.

Isaac: I don't think so, not even the White Fang would risk causing trouble on christmas.

Olivia: How can you be so sure?

Isaac: The Summer Storm's gonna come in soon, you should sit down.

Brick: Finally, I'm starving!

Brick and Oliva both sit down as Gareth comes in and sits next to Isaac.

Gareth: *leans towards Isaac's ear* May I ask how the Summer Storm is supposed to be here when he already is?

Isaac reveals a computer mounted on his wrist.

Isaac: This will allow me to control the armor remotely.

Gareth: And what about talking?

Isaac: Pre-recorded voice lines, just watch.

Isaac put his hands behind his back and started working the controls, the Summer Storm armor entered the room, even though no one knew it didn't have a pilot. Everyone stands up and watches the armor walk to the central chair at the head table.

Summer Storm: You may be seated.

Everyone sits back down

Summer Storm: Men, I'm holding this celebration not only to celebrate christmas, but to also celebrate your accomplishments. You've all worked very hard to bring us to this point, to bring us within striking distance of the Atlesians. Very soon we will destroy them and peace will finally be achieved. But until then, enjoy the down time, and enjoy a hot meal, that is all.

The thugs all cheer and hurry to raid the food table.

Gareth: Not bad.

Isaac: I told you I'd figure it out, now come on, before all the lemon bars are gone.

Isaac quickly sprang from his chair and rushed to the food table. Meanwhile in the streets of Minstral, Kayla and her two sisters as well as Nina, Leon and the rest of their gang were also trying to have a merry christmas.

Kayla: *finishes unwrapping a 'hope' poster her sisters got her* Thank you sisters, if only I could have hope.

Cristine: *puts a hand on Kayla's shoulder* Don't act so down sister, we're gonna defeat the order, destroy that imposter who claims to be our goddess, and bring peace to Remnant.

Helen: Yeah, call it a resolution.

Kayla: *sighs* I wonder if my other teammates are having this much fun?

Meanwhile on the other side of Minstral, the Iron Armada was also exchanging gifts over a meal of roasted ham and a few drinks too many. Nina got Anvil his own bike, with a massive sum of lien that Leon brought back after mysteriously disappearing (and with much persuasion to not ride it until tomorrow), and in turn, he got her a ring in the shape of the gang's logo, crafted using his semblance. Nina then left Anvil to chase Axel around over payment for the metal he used, even though he had nothing to do with how he got it. She found Leon under a streetlamp at a nearby street corner, just looking up at the sky.

Nina: *stumbles to Leon's side* H-hey Lee, you having a gr-gre, a gre... A nice night?

Leon couldn't get drunk easily due to his grimm physiology, though no one in the group outside of Nina knew this.

Leon: That's a subject of debate Nin.

Nina: Ya-- ya know Lee, I've been thinking.

Leon: Oh?

Nina: I've been thinking when this is like, all over. We can like, y--ya know, like "get together"?

For the first time in a long time, Leon was speechless, it was obviously the alcohol talking, but it was still something to consider.

Leon: Th-that would be great.

A nearby clock strikes midnight and announces it by briefly chiming a festive tune.

Nina: M--merry christmas Lee, I uh, I-I love ya.

Nina wraps her arms around Leon and rests her head against his chest.

Leon: *Returns the gesture* Merry christmas Nin.

The end

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