Part 20

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A/N: Well after a very, very long wait it's finally here, part 20. I apologize for this but this is another part written by WeaponMojo, and it will also be the last part he writes, so long hiatuses like this one may never happen again. Anyway I know how you're looking forward to it, I know I am so I won't waste any more time, enjoy!!

 Sun rise light shines through the seams of the tent. Leon winces softly, his head pounding and the light didn't make it any better. He sits up, looking around the small space. Nina lay asleep beside him, a soft smile across her lips. Leon smiles softly before wincing, his head still pounding. Running a hand through his hair he sighs, trying to recall what happened before he fell asleep. He remembered meeting with Nemera in town, and he remembered coming back to a slightly drunk Nina, but there were multiple lost hours in between.

"Mornin' Lee... sleep well?" Nina crumples across Leon's shoulders, yawning loudly in his ear before continuing, "I slept great... best sleep... in a long while..."

"Yeah... I slept pretty well... guess I was kinda tired..."

Nina laughs, sitting up and stretching, a few loud pops coming out as she loosens her spine, "Oh no doubt..." Leon glances over, finding his old Triple G band t-shirt, their signature green and black beowulf head loosely adorning her frame. Nina slips from the sleeping bag, mumbling something about never being as sore as she sets to work getting dressed.

The tweeting of a bird slows to a stop as Leon takes a deep breath and slows time down around him. He sets to work getting dressed, racking his brain for the events of the past day. He slams his fist into the ground, leaving a sizable dent, before returning time to it's natural flow and climbing out of the tent.

"Mornin' Bolts." Axel's voice hits Leon like a truck, "Could you not? I told you I hate being called that."

"Too bad ya grouch, you're gonna be called Bolts if you like it or not, it's stuck now."

"Bolts hmm? I suppose with the new mechanical arm it does make sense..." The cool voice catches Leon off guard. Nemera stood a few feet away, her city attire replaced with her dusted infused gloves and her blindfold. "I kind of like it."

"Not you too, c'mon is anyone on my side?"

Axel laughs, before calling Anvil over. The two walk off talking about their bikes for a while as Leon stood awkwardly across from Nemera, "so..."

"Yesterday was fun."

"About that... what exactly... happened... yesterday?" He shoves his hands in his pockets as he says this, embarrassed to have simply forgotten so much time.

"We... " Nemera pauses, "We talked for a while, before you left in a hurry. I came out here to return your scroll. You left it in... the tavern when you rushed out."

"Really? Alright... Uh thanks, you coulda just called Nina, she'd have told me and I coulda come get it. You really didn't have to come all the way out here."

"Oh it is no trouble, really. I quite enjoy walking the woodline. It is truly peaceful." She expertly reaches into her bag, pulling the scroll out without searching for a moment. "Fully charged, ready for all day use."

"Thanks Nemera, that's super nice of you." he takes the scroll, shoving it in his pocket, "The least I could do is walk you back to town, you're capable and all but it's always safer in a group."

"Of course."

"Hey Nina!"


"Make sure your brother doesn't blow anything up, and look into that Torch guy we keep hearing about, he could be useful. I'll be back when I get the chance."

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