Part 17

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 Months have passed since the fall of Vale, Leon and Nina have stuck together since then. Between them little has changed, but a lot has changed for Leon. One morning, on the cusp of waking, Leon finds himself in an unfavorable position.

Something was wrong, the smell wasn't right. The night before Leon had fallen asleep beside Nina, like they had for months, but something was wrong. Normally the smell of motor oil and pine fills his nostrils when he wakes, but this time it was sterile, completely clean.

His eyes snap open, white walls greet him. All around was white tiling, floors, walls, ceilings, everything. His eyes eyes slide across the room, finding the room filling itself with desks, medical supplies, and around his feet were raised platforms. Curious he reaches out a had, receiving a nasty shock as his fingers reach the edge of the platform, causing him to pull it back with a loud "yowch" He looks down at his sore left hand, blinking a few times as he stares at it.


The voice came from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Echoing through Leon's mind again and again.


His head throbs as the voice gets louder, his vision swirls, red streaks creak across the walls, pulsing softly like veins.

Leon, my child, return to me.

"Get... out... of my... HEAD!" His voice roars through the room, cracks criss crossing under the veins on the walls. Dark aura swirls across his skin, coalescing on his arms as beowolf-like claws solidify, "Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

Pain radiates from Leon's cheek, his eyes snap open, his breath catches in his throat as his gaze meets a very worried Nina. "Lee... y'ok man?"

Leon sits up, looking around at the patchwork tent around them, "Yeah... I'm fine..." Nina grabs his shoulder, forcing him to meet her gaze.

"You don't look it."

"I said I'm fine."

"You said that before you ended up losing that arm." Leon looks down at his left hand, tightening the metallic fingers into a fist before looking back at Nina.

"Alright, you got me. It was that nightmare again..." He looks off to the side.

"Again? Any clue what it means?" Leon shakes his head, "Dang... anything new?"

"The voice... called me it's child..."

"Didn't ya say you were made by Atlas?"
"That's why it's tripping me up, like, if I have a mom she's probably long dead by now..."

"And any dad ya got's more monster than man."

"That's an understatement Nin." She punches his left shoulder lightly, not trying to break her knuckles in the process.

"C'mon, Axel's bound to be awake by now, we shouldn't leave him waiting too much longer, the big lug'll think we're doin' more than we'd bargain for."

Leon laughs before undoing the front of the tent, "Yeah, not up for putting that risk on the table just yet."

"Mornin' Knucklehead, bolts." Axel waves from across the campsite, a goofy grin on his face.

"Don't call me bolts."

"I'mma call ya bolts."

Leon groans, "Whatever, do I need to restart the fire again?"

"O'course ya do, the big lug can't keep a fire going to save his life."

"Alright, Nin, grab me some firewood, I'll get started catching a spark."

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