A team NIKL Christmas

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Now that Christmas is upon us, I thought about showing you what each member of team NIKL would give each other for Christmas, and how they would react

Nina's gifts

Isaac: A cookbook for lemon related recipes, covered in motor oil (gets right to work looking for a recipe to cook)

Kayla: A set of whelt stones, also covered in motor oil (stares blankly, unable to react)

Leon: A clock that features Vale's emblem, did I mention motor oil (hangs it on the wall)

Isaac's gifts

Nina: A motorcycle helmet (puts it on, but takes it off just as quickly)

Kayla: An irsa plushie (pins it to the wall by the tag)

Leon: A grimm encyclopedia (Shrugs and read some)

Kayala's gifts

Nina: A fender ornament shaped like a skull (immediately leaves to put it on her bike)

Isaac: A fresh batch of lemon bars (instantly starts eating them)

Leon: Some pillows (goes to sleep on them)

Leon's gifts

Nina: A dented muffler (looks at it with a mix of surprise and fear)

Isaac: A body pillow that features Blake (blushes deeply before falling over, blood gushing from his nose and pooling around his head)

Kayla: A wood sword painted black (Seems concerned and somewhat distraught)  

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