Part 13

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With the first round of the tournament finished, Remnant was preparing itself for the second round. Team NIKL was already there, ready to fight in their round and watch many others, sort of, Leon was actually napping back in their dorm.

Kayla: *returns with some snacks* so, any idea who's fighting yet?

Nina: Well right now, all we got is that Mercury dude and some chick named Emerald.

The competitor roulette suddenly stopped, landing on Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi.

Port: And the randomization process is complete! Ladies and gentlemen, you doubles tournament line-up!

The crowd cheers in response.

Isaac: There, does that answer it for ya?

Mabel: Hey Isaac, over here. *waves to Isaac*

Isaac: *waves back* Oh, hey Mabel! If you'll excuse me. *takes a cup of popcorn from Kayla and walks away*

Kayla: I couldn't help but notice Isaac's spending a lot of time with Mabel.

Nina: Kid's a hopeless romantic or something, we shoulda seen this coming honestly.

Meanwhile, Isaac followed Mabel to a seat on the far side of the arena.

Isaac: If I may ask, where's the rest of your team?

Mabel: They're watching from the dorms, I just wanted to come see you~.

Isaac: *wraps an arm around Mabel's waist* I suppose it does give us more time to ourselves *smiles*

Mabel: *giggles* Such a charmer~.

Down in the arena, four different environment roulettes start, one lands on a set of urban ruins, one on a savanna with a single tree, one on a green forest, and one on a series of hot springs.

Isaac: Hmm, what an... interesting setup to be fighting in.

Mabel: So glad we didn't get ruins in our match, Henry probably would spend all his time smashing them down.

Isaac: *chuckles* Yeah, that sounds like something he'd do.

Port: Three, two, one, Begin!

Mercury and Emerald slowly walk backwards into the tall grass behind them.

Isaac: Ya know, my team was gonna try the same thing.

Mabel: Really?

Coco equips her minigun and blasts the whole field apart, but nothing seems to hit a mark.

Mabel: Now I see while you didn't, Theodore probably would have done something similar.

Then out of nowhere, Mercury flies in preparing for a drop kick, Yatsuhashi pushes Coco out of the way and blocks with his sword. Mercury then starts dashing between them and eventually maneuvers Coco into a position where she's pointing her minigun at her teammate. She retaliates by changing her weapon into a briefcase and batting Mercury away.

Isaac: A combatant who turns allies against each other? This jerk is cramping your style.

Mabel: But there was another one here that called tornadoes like you.

Isaac: Oh, I'm aware.

Mercury conjures a cyclone of projectiles a coats the whole arena in smoke. Taking the opportunity, Mercury runs behind them, attacks Yatsuhashi and knocks Coco over. Coco started recovering, but a chain flew from nowhere, snared her, and pulled her into the trees. Mercury attacks Yatsuhashi again, who grabs him by the foot and throws him into the hot springs.

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