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The police come a few minutes later and take Shane. The ambulance takes Maggie to the nearest hospital. I drive to the hospital in my car. The doctors tell me that she's going to need emergency surgery. They also tell me they'll be calling her mother. This is her mom's fault, too. I get angry just thinking about her. I start pacing the waiting room. And then I remember. Beth. I tell the nurses that I have to leave and that I'll be back soon. I drive back to Maggie's house. Beth is just getting home when I arrive. I see a car dropping her off. I park and get off my car.
"Glenn? What's wrong?" She asks, scared.
"Maggie's not home. She...She got hurt. She's at the hospital." I say, my voice cracking. I start to get a lump in my throat. I can't break down in front of Beth. I have to be strong for her.
"What! Oh my God, is she ok?!" She asks.
"I....I don't know yet. They have to do emergency surgery on her. We have to go." I say, trying my hardest not to cry. We get in my car and start driving to the hospital.
"What happened?" Beth whispers, starting to cry.
"It was Shane. He....he hurt her. He had a knife and..." I trail off, gripping the steering wheel. I need to keep it together.
"I shouldn't have gone out. I could have done something." She says, crying.
"No, I wasn't fast enough. Maybe if I would have gotten there sooner.....I tried. I really did. When I pulled up to the house I heard screaming and I ran inside...But I didn't get there fast enough....I could have done more..." I say, I can't keep my voice steady, it's shaky.
"Don't you do that, Glenn. This isn't your fault. It's Shane's and my stupid mother's fault!" Beth says, angrily.
And then my tears start falling down my cheeks.

Me and Beth wait for hours at the waiting room. The doctor is still performing surgery on Maggie. My head hurts. My stomach hurts. Everything inside me is hurting. I'm sitting down with my elbows on my knees and my head resting in both hands.
And then I hear Beth say, "What the hell are you doing here."
I look up and see a woman. It's Maggie's mom, Lori. She looks at me and I just stare daggers into her. Some mother you are.
"You just now decide to show up." I say, angrily.
"The only reason you even did show up here is because you know it's what is expected of you." Beth says. "So you won't get into any trouble."
"I don't care about any of your opinions." Lori, says through clenched teeth.
"No? Well, then you won't mind me saying a few things. I'm done being invisible! You are a shitty mother. An alcoholic selfish bitch who only cares about your needs. You brought a monster into our lives. And look at what happened!" Beth yells.
"You better shut your mouth before- " Lori says.
"No, you're not going to shut me up! You listen to me! Your daughter is badly hurt and is in surgery! She is more a mom to me than you ever were! You were never there for any of us. And you always cared more about your brute of a boyfriend than us. You made our life hell. But we won't allow it anymore. We're done. I get it now. I get that you'll never change. And I don't want to see you again. Neither does Maggie." And then Beth starts walking away.
I watch her leave, and I feel amazed by her bravery. She's got nerve.
I look at Lori and say, "I think you should go before she kills you. You know, because she just might."
She looks at me for a moment and then leaves the hospital. Good riddance.

My dad calls me a few minutes later. Oh, crap. I forgot to call him.
"Hey, Dad." I say, when I answer the phone.
"Glenn, where are you? You had me worried sick! Do you have any idea what time it is!" He says.
I check the time and see that it's 12:30 a.m.
"I'm sorry, Dad. It's just....something happened. It's Maggie."
"Is everything ok? What happened?" He asks, worry filling his voice.
I tell him everything that happened. And that I want to stay the night at the hospital. He said that it was ok and that he'll come tomorrow. We end the call.

I sit down on a chair and wait. And wait. And wait. My head feels like there is a hammer inside it, pounding away. I rest my elbows on my knees and rub my temples.
I need Maggie to fight through this. She has to. I don't know what I'd do if she doesn't. I think my head hurts because the carousel in my mind is broken. Too many bad thoughts.

The One I Adore: A Glenn Rhee And Maggie Greene Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now