The Good in Me

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Two months, that was all I had to myself and even now, Dinah was pushing herself into my life unexpectedly.

I was still having nightmares about how she slapped me and practically threatened me in my own garden! In my own backyard! I would never be able to forget the way she handled me so roughly and didn't apologize, the way she hit me. Dinah scared me. It was only a stupid hopeful idea that she might be nice to me.

I would've been fine if she could love me. I wouldn't have minded being married to her if she could treat me with respect and love me. That was all I wanted, but I was just another one of the unlucky many who would have to endure a cruel partner.

I guess I could only hope she would leave me out of the things they did in the mob. The killing. The torturing. All of it, I wanted no part in any of it but deep down I knew she would find a way to drag me into it.

"Miss Jauregui, Normani Kordei is down stairs waiting," one of my father's men said and I nodded in understanding before grabbing my suitcase and following them down the stairs.

"Lauren!" My best friend cheered and pulled me into a tight embrace, a small smile spreading across my lips. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm great!" I lied and we pulled away, just smiling at each other. "Where's Ally?"

"She's out in the car waiting. Let's go!" I laughed and followed Normani out the front doors of my home and to her Benz where Ally was sitting in the front seat.

Normani had been my closest friend since we were children, our father's very close also which led us to each other. I was going to spend a couple of days with her and her wife Ally at their home to just relax and kick back before I was forced to be married. I only hoped the time wouldn't fly by so quickly I don't savor my freedom for the last two months I'll have it.

As we got in the car, Ally turned around and smiled at me. "Hey Lauren!" She grinned and I smiled, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

"Hi Ally! Thanks for picking me up!"

"Oh no problem, anything to keep this one from getting into trouble," Ally pinched Normani who glared at her.

"Girl you better not do that again," she said and I laughed as the couple shot each other nasty looks.

They were my favorite people to be around because they were so nice and calm, the few that weren't blood and money driven.

"Oh you're fine! Anyways, Lauren, how's it going with Dinah?" Ally asked and my gaze immediately shifted to the window, avoiding hers as my foot tapped against the ground.

"Babe, Dinah isn't uh...she hasn't treated Lauren very nicely," I heard Normani whisper and realization dawned on Ally's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lauren. I promise we'll get through this together. You'll always be welcome here."

"Thanks Als," I mumbled and she reaches back, playfully hitting my knee.

"That doesn't mean you can call me Als!" She exclaimed and I laughed, shooting a smile at her in the mirror as she drove. The rest of it was full of us talking and sharing what had happened the last few weeks since we hadn't saw each other and for once, I wasn't taking the time for granted like usual because I knew, the day I signed my life away to Dinah, this would all be gone.

I knew she would be possessive, it was something she had made clear the day she "talked" to me in my garden and I knew I wouldn't see Normani and Ally. At least, not personally but probably at parties where it would only be a few seconds.

I could help but want to cry at the thoughts of being pulled away from all of this. I didn't want to go with Dinah, and I certainly didn't want to be with her for the rest of my life.

"We're here!" Normani said excitedly and I grabbed my bag, opening the door and taking in the beautiful scenery of the country side around me.

Normani and Ally lived in a cute little house with a nice chunk of land outside of town and it was my favorite place to be whenever I wasn't in my piano room. There was just something so peaceful and calm about it that made me want to stay here forever.

I wondered what Dinah's home would be like. She would probably fucking chain me up in the basement or something like that. I mean, she killed men, what would stop her from locking me up.

My attention was brought to the cute couple that were standing next to a small lake together, Normani holding Ally tightly. God, they were extremely lucky to have each other. Normani luckily had an older half brother who was married into an alliance so she got to marry whoever she desired, that being the one and only, Ally Brooke.

They were really happy together, and I hoped Dinah would find it somewhere in her heart to love me like they loved each other.

"Well, I'll take your bag Lauren. Normani will take you to the stables, okay?" Ally said and I nodded, smiling in thanks as Normani grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the stables.

"Okay, okay Mani! I'm coming!" I sped up my walking to watch her pace and grinned as we entered the barn, the horses snorting at us as we approached them.

Normani started saddling her horse up after brushing him and came over to me, helping me get the saddle over my horse's back.

Once we led them out to the pasture, I hoisted myself up onto the beautiful horse I had named Luna and we rode around, frolicking about as if we were children again.

This was something I'd never let go hopefully. The good in me. The happy moments that urged me to go on and strive to be content in life. It was something I had watched too many people have drained out of them as they aged and I just hoped I would still have it. I knew there was good in me, and if Dinah could find if, she would destroy it.

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