The Red Wedding

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All I can remember is waking up to the shuddering pain of my bare body being waxed, being dragged into a cold bath, and a dress being pulled on me roughly as people grabbed and pulled at my hair.

It was my wedding day. The day that was supposed to be my happiest, but it was the exact opposite. I had been dreading it since the moment my father told me to go play with Dinah Jane Hansen as he talked to her father.

"It is okay my joy, go play with Dinah. I will be right here," he held my cheeks in his large hands, smiling lovingly at me before standing up, giving me a gentle push to the girl who was holding out her hand.

"Come on, Laur!" She shouted excitedly and I followed her, our hands joining as we ran into the woods together. It was a beautiful summer day and I was excited for my first "play date" with the new girl I had only seen once or twice.

"This is pretty," I smiled and looked at Dinah who was trying to climb a tree, her eyebrows scrunched in concentration. "What are you doing?"

"I want it," her gaze was set on a bird that was perched on its nest, unaware of the threatening look Dinah was giving it.

"No, let's go play," I grabbed her hand again and she looked at me, her expression immediately changing. It was like I had some magical power over her as she let me lead her deeper into the forest.

"What are we gonna play?"

"Let's play bad guys and good guys," I say and she grabs a stick pointed it at me.

"I'll be the bad guy!" She exclaims and I giggled, grabbing a stick and lunging forward towards her. She jumped backwards and slipped, tumbling down a small hill.

"Dinah!" I shouted as I ran after her rolling body, stopping once she got to the bottom. "Are you okay?" I was worried as she laid there, quiet for a moment before her eyes opened.

"Ow, my head hurts," she rubbed her forehead and I leaned forward, kissing it softly.

"All better?" I asked, remembering how my mom used to kiss my booboos.

"No, it still hurts," she grumbled and I frowned, sad that it had not worked. "But it's getting better, let's go!" She was back on her feet again and trudging through the brush, a wild grin on her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Am I Dinah Jane Hansen?"

"Yes," I looked at her in confusion, not understand the joke as we walked towards a river.

"Then I am sure," she nodded and plopped down next to the river, rolling up her sleeves.

"What are you doing?" I questioned curiously as I sat next to her, watching as she quickly pushed her hands into the water and took them out.

"Catching a frog," she looked at me, her fingers pinching the  back legs so it could not get away.

"No! Let it go!" I quickly became angered and she frowned, her hands immediately opening up and the frog jumped away.

"I do not understand," she said in confusion.
"It is nature. I was just holding it."

"You trapped it."

"No, I was holding it," she argued and I glared, pointing across the river where there was a momma deer and a baby deer.

"Would you hold that?"

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