The Thoughts of You Haunt Me

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Being curled up against Dinah beneath the sheets had became my favorite spot, especially if she would lay on me just right. After my mom left, I tried to do what she had said. I tried to stay alert and pay attention but to what? When Dinah snuggled up against me and kissed me, I didn't know what there was to be skeptical of to be honest.

She had been good, and I didn't see anything wrong with that. Sure, Dinah's business still went on but she was never rough with me...well, when we weren't in bed. I noticed she was also treating everyone else better too.

The other day instead of killing the maid for forgetting to clean something, she did it herself. Problem solved, right? I don't think Dinah really ever had a reality check to make sure she was living with others in a civilized way till I got here.

Her breathing was even and light against my neck as she slept, trapping me beneath her body which was practically keeping me warm from the cold morning air. I could feel the autumn breeze coming through the open window. I had no idea how Dinah could sleep in the cold.

"Dinah," I whispered, trying to reach back to grab the comforter and pull it over us but I couldn't reach. She must've kicked it off the bed like usual.

"Dinah," I said louder this time, trying to turn over to wake her up. Sadly, Dinah still wouldn't wake up.

I honestly had no idea how to get her off or wake her when she was like this, in a deep sleep. She stayed laying on me for probably an hour till she rolled over, taking me with her as I groaned, finally being able to sit up.

Dinah's hands slipped off me as I stretched, my wife still sleeping peacefully. Her chest was still rising and falling perfectly as she breathed, making me watch her. God, Dinah was so beautiful. Sliding across her waist, I straddled her and leaned down, nuzzling my nose against hers.

"Wake up, Dinah," I said as her hands took hold of my ass. Yep, she had definitely been awake this whole time.

"I'm tired," she mumbled, not bothering to open her eyes as I sighed, trying to get up.

"Can you at least let go? I need to get up."

"No, you don't." She was already pulling me back down against her, rolling onto her side so she could hold me tighter.

"Well, if I don't. You do. You have work to do."

"Work can wait."

"Can it though?"

She groaned loudly, letting go of my hips as I smiled in triumph, sitting up and getting off the bed.

"I'm still going to sleep some more though," she said and rolled onto her stomach, closing her eyes once again.

"Okay. Fine," I mumbled and walked to the closet, looking back at her as she fell back asleep. Dinah was so beautiful. She had long wavy blonde hair and when she did the loose frizzles, gosh. It made me feel all sorts of ways. It looked like a lion's mane to be honest. It was covering part of her bare back, a sheet tangled around her legs and waist.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Dinah said and I rolled my eyes, watching as she laughed quietly before I went into the closet and removed one of Dinah's shirts. I slid it over and left the room, making my way to the kitchen where the chefs were preparing some breakfast.

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