Time to let go

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I didn't remember much but the scene of this girl running towards me screaming my name kept replaying in my head. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't make out who she was. She had been running to me, her eyes frantic with worry as she held her hands out to me but then she was pushed back by an explosion and everything went dark.

There were two men, they had shot me and left me there as the debris flew around. I could remember screaming for someone, my voice scratchy before the bomb went off and I was knocked out.

The scene just overplayed over and over in my head for some reason,  my brain was screaming  at me, trying to get me to remember who those people were but I couldn't.

I laid here, not being able to feel anything or hear anything. This was terrible and for some reason, I felt like I had experienced this before.

Time passed quickly, but it wasn't like I could tell or anything. I could just feel it. I could feel the light turn on through my eyelids, then it would turn off or the sun would come around and then go away. It happened very quickly but still, nothing in my body woke me up.

I wanted to go back but I just couldn't, it was too hard. I could will myself to wake up but it didn't work, nothing ever worked.

I wanted to give up. I wanted to just die here. That would be for the best.



After the explosion, I visited her everyday. I would cry in her lap as the machines forced air into her lungs and then out.

She looked so peaceful, so okay with all of this because she didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

A war had out-broke between the mobs and it was dangerous to come here but I did it anyways. I had to see her. If she woke up, I had to be here.

"Dinah, Malik's gang is moving locations at the fast speed, I think it's time you go," Michael spoke and I frowned, standing up and looking down at my wife.

She was at a small house outside the city with her parents because it wasn't safe for her to be in a hospital or with me. It hurt me to see her like this and not be able to do anything about it.

"Okay," I whispered and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Lauren's forehead. "I love you," I whispered before turning away and nodding, telling him I was okay to go.

He smiled sadly, guiding me to the front door and out to my car with my men.

"Be safe Dinah, don't want this goddamn war taking you too," he spoke as I got into the car.

"I will, and you too Michael. Keep my wife safe." He tipped his hat before closing the door, leaving me to be on my way.

As the car started, my gaze fell to the window where I could see the room Lauren was in. I could see Clara standing in the window, her gaze on me.

I hadn't been so fond of Clara from what I could remember. I felt like she had hurt me. I didn't know why though.

The car drove back to town, being mindful of each mob's territory. It was dangerous to be out in the open during the war because if one person saw us, we'd have ten squadrons following us in a minutes notice.

There were fights each day. I would receive reports of how many of my men had been lost, or if we had succeeded in taking a warehouse from our enemy. The war had been continuing on for a year now and things only seemed to go in a circle. Just when I thought we met the breaking point, I would receive word that Doritol's gang had taken back a warehouse or kidnapped two of my men's wives.

"Ma'am, flanks of Doritol's gangs were spotted up on Jefferson Street and Carnegie Road, there's no clear route to take without being spot. Orders?"

I sighed, looking out the window for a safe place to stop. "Stop at the little cafe at the end of the street, park behind the building and if you see anything, tell me."

"Yes ma'am." The car was suddenly pulling over and I was hopping out, getting into the cafe as quickly as I could. I silently prayed no enemy men were in here because this was too close to their territory for my safety.

Sliding into a seat, my foot tapped nervously before I was approached by a rather pretty girl. "Um, hi." She smiled shyly and I rose an eyebrow at her.

"Hello." I nodded my head and looked to her to see her cheeks flushed.

"I-I'm Mariah and I saw you, and here's my number and I'm gonna now," she rambled, making me only watch in confusion. She had left a little paper before walking away to her table.

I wasn't sure how to feel about this.

I was married.

But she was in a coma.

Would Lauren want me to be happy with someone else if there was a chance she would never wake up? The thought lingered in my head as I stared at the number in my hand.

She would, I decided eventually as the waiter came to ask what I wanted. Simply asking for a coffee and a muffin, my gaze was trained on the pretty blond girl who had given her number to me.

I tried to keep my mind off of Lauren as I checked my phone, receiving updates on the fleets outside. Once my coffee and muffin came, I ate in silence. I hoped this would pass soon enough because it was getting darker and the security was increased at night.


After an hour or so I was able to go home and in my gut was the guilt of what I had just done. I had called Mariah and told her I would happily go on a date with her. I didn't know why I felt so bad.

Lauren had been asleep for a year, this was what she would have wanted. She would have wanted me to be happy. At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

I was laying in bed, our child's head nuzzled into my chest as she slept peacefully. She had started crying the moment I came home without Lauren, and as time passed, I knew she had grasped at the fact that Lauren wasn't coming back.

I felt terrible. I had taken our child's mother away from her and even though she was a baby, I knew she understood that. She was almost one and a half and like Lauren, she had expressed an interest in music.

She was incredibly attached to me and I had a feeling it was because she only had one mother now. I still hadn't taken her to see Lauren in a coma because I honestly couldn't bare to see her watch her mother in that state.

I don't know how long I laid here, running my fingers through her thick dark hair, just thinking about life. I wondered where this would all go. I needed to move forward, not linger on the past.

It was time to let go.

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