Goodbye My Lover(End)

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Wow, so we're here guys. We're at the end of the story. It feels like there's so much more I want to write but I know I could never stop if I did. Thank you for everything guys, and if you want to, please read my new book, Colorless. It is Laurinah and I would be thankful of y'all would check it out.

Now, let's begin the end.


The moment the deafening sound of a bomb went off, I was running down the hallway, searching for my wife and kids. I had been expecting the attack all week since I sent my men to destroy Normani's warehouses. I knew she would figure out it was me, who else could it be?

I had handled many situations like this and hopefully, my training wouldn't fail me now.

"Lauren!" I shouted, almost colliding with her as she came out of Dinah's play room, her expression panicked. Our daughter was crying, her face buried into Lauren's hair.

"What's going on?!" She asked, tears forming as my men ran down the hallway, machine guns armed in their hands.

I didn't answer as I took Dinah from Lauren's arms, pulling her to my chest safely before leaning over and grabbing Lauren by her thighs, carrying her on my shoulder. I started running, my muscles working hard to support the extra weight as I sprinted to the back, pushing the door open and running through the field.

I should've known it would've happened today. My men had reported that Hamilton's gang had been under the radar, not interacting with anyone. I expected the attack but I was too stupid to narrow it down to being tonight. I should've anticipated it.

Luckily, my men would be able to hold them off. I knew they wouldn't be smart enough to plan out an actual attack and surround us from all sides so I could hopefully get away with Lauren and Dinah. I had a squadron waiting in the woods and if I could just get there, we would be safe.

There were more sounds of explosions that tempted me to turn around and see the damage but I knew I had to keep going. I could still hear Dinah's muffled sobs as I pushed myself to carry them into the forest.

My eyes locked on the car and my men jumped out, taking Lauren and Dinah from my arms as they got them into the car. It was only a matter of time before Normani's men realized we weren't in the house. I got into the car, it screeching as my agent  pressed on the gas.

The wall only extended so far so we would have to drive through the woods until we were far away enough that they wouldn't see us.

I felt calm, and I was calm, that was until I realized I had to protect Lauren and Dinah. I had to keep them safe which was going to make things a lot harder. My father had never trained me with how to evacuate when I was with others I had to take with me. He had taught me it was every man for himself but things were different now, this was my family.

My daughter was still crying, now back in Lauren's arms who was trying to calm her. "Shh, it's okay my baby. It's okay." She whispered but Dinah kept crying and I could understand why.

I had been stupid to attack Normani's mob and now I would pay for it.

"Agents, call all squads to my house and get Normani's gang under control. Call for back up if needed," I spoke into my mic and turned to Lauren, looking out the back window. No cars yet, that was good.

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