The Hunt

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I was furious beyond belief and as I stood in my conference room, breathing heavily, my men cowering beneath me.

"What the hell happened out there?!!" I yelled and some flinched, others trying to seem strong. I was so angry. My wife had been taken out of our home! On my men's watch! She was gone all because I had been stupid enough to allow Michael to come here. It had been four days but I remembered it crystal clear.

"Lauren should be the one to take my place as Capo after I retire," Michael said and my gaze hardened as I shifted uncomfortably. I had told Lauren I would be back in ten minutes but the conversation had kept rolling on and on.

"Mr. Jauregui, since I am married to her, I take the position. Lauren is in no stance to take on the duties of Caporegime," I spoke with power, my gut starting to hurt as I heard a muffled voice from the hallway.


"Dinah!!!" I heard Lauren's voice scream at the top of her lungs, my instincts already acting as I pulled a gun from my desk. Michael was standing up and pulling his gun but I was pushing him backwards, ripping the office door open as I saw Lauren's foot disappear out of the door.

"Lauren!!" I shouted and gasped as I felt a bullet pierce through my skin and into my back, forcing me to fall forward as more bullets shot over my head.

Two sets of hands grabbed me, my men yelling to get me away as I was dragged into a room, the sounds of rounds still being shot bouncing off the walls.

I groaned as I clutched the place I had been shot, my men running back into the hallway as there was yelling between my agents. Lauren, oh my god. I pushed up onto my elbows, my eyes trained on the door that was a few feet away from me.

"Lauren," I whispered, trying to crawl to the door as my blood pooled. I had to get to her, I had to find her. She had been taken from me, from our home, by Michael's men. I had to get her back.

My vision began to get shaky and blurry as I tried to push myself towards the door, reaching as far as I could before I passed out.

"Ma'am, they took us out from the inside. We had no idea," one of my agents spoke, his head bandaged up. He was one of the lucky, most of my men here had been killed.

"Why was there no communication?! No one called me!"

"They jammed our mics," another one commented and I rubbed my temples, trying to stay calm.

"Yeah! We couldn't help it!" One exclaimed and I glared angrily at him. How dare he raise his voice at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice deadly calm as he realized what he had done.

"I-I I'm sorry," he tried to apologize but my men were already making way for me as I took my hunting knife from my belt, his eyes widening. "Please, I'm sorry!"

I took his hand, putting it against the table as he looked at me in fear. "Shut up," I growled and he shut his mouth, his nerves calmly beneath my grip. I stared down at his fingers, bringing the knife up, but I stopped.

"Please Dinah, don't do it," I could hear Lauren's voice in my head, remembering how she grabbed my arm, begging for the mans life who I made her shoot.

"Ma'am?" One of my men asked as I held the knife up, bringing it down to my side slowly. I couldn't do it, I had to stop. Oh but I wanted to. I wanted to cut his fingers off, I wanted to feel the feeling of cutting through bone but I couldn't bring myself to.

"I-I," I looked away. "Find Lauren, now." I turned my back to them. "Go! Now!" I yelled and I heard them scramble to get up and leave.

"Mrs. Hansen, we've been working for four days straight and we still haven't found her. There's no evidence. We checked traffic cams, we searched Jauregui's mansion with spies. We can't find her."

"Work harder then! Find her! Or I'll kill all of you!" I yelled and the agent left, shutting the door behind him as I breathed heavier.

"Agh!" I yelled in anger, punching my fists against the wall. I had to find her, I just had to.

I couldn't let go of her like this.


Five more days, and we still hadn't found her. Five days without Lauren, without my wife. I could take it anymore. She had disappeared off the face of the Earth and I couldn't do a think about it.

I couldn't believe they took her. I just, it hurt. It hurt me to think about what they were doing to her. They were probably torturing her, raping her, my thoughts stopped as I put my head in my hands.

Michael may have been her father but I knew how he worked, he would hurt her. He would let them torture her because he didn't really care.

I wished I could find them, so I could drive a knife through his threat and make him pay for taking her away. She was mine, and he took that away from me.

Standing up, I wrapped my hands in medical bandages and raised them, my attention on the punching bag. My instincts took over as I started punching the hanging object, taking all my anger out on it.

I grunted as I hit it, trying to not think about Lauren being gone. I don't know how long I did that till I was interrupted by the door opening, one my agents stepping in.

"Mrs. Hansen?"

"What is it?"

"We found her," he spoke and my eyes widened, staring at him in disbelief.

"You found her?"

"We found her."

Aye there you go. I need a cover for my new book, if anyone's interested then please comment. Have a great day. Bye


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