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Strolling through a small city of Pearl River. Tony and Bruce both held perfectly brewed cappuccinos, while Bruce hummed. "We've been off missions for an entire year now, Tony. Do you still think this place needs superheroes anymore?"

"You're questioning the existence of powerful beings when it was your idea for coffee at 11 pm?" Tony chuckled.

The breeze swept past the trees making them whistle, while the crickets chirped. The moon was at its full peak illuminating the huge towers around them while the lights surrounding them were lit with a yellow hue illuminating the town.

"I really do prefer this side of the city." Banner smiled, looking around sweet nothingness, the intoxicating scent of coffee and fresh ocean water filled his nostrils.

"But tricks and toys on the other hand--" Stark started before was cut off as his phone buzzed loudly, ruining the peaceful aura of the environment.

"It's one eye, I better take it." Tony sighed, a smile erupting from Banner as he hung his head low upon hearing Tony's nickname for Nick. "It's been so long how are you not a fossil yet?" he asked Fury as he stretched back in his chair comfortably.

"Listen Stark, I've just received a threat coming from uptown. Get there asap before it becomes serious." Was all Fury said as he declined the call.

Tony stared at the phone with a dramatic gasp. "Eyepatch doesn't even wait for a reply back, would it really kill the guy to listen to me for once?"

"It kills everyone, Tony." Bruce joked before looking at him expectantly. "Well what is it about?" He asked curiously, his eyes never shifting once from Tony's phone.

"Someone uptown wanting to make a name for themselves."

"Well aren't you going to go check it out?" Banner asked as he threw his empty cappuccino mug to the nearest bin while the two men now rested upon a cold bench that was a little wet from a layer or clear frost.

"Oh. I'm a superhero, I think it's my job." The hazel eyed man set his drink down quickly as he pressed a golden button on his metal bracelet which enabled the metallic suit to mold onto his body within seconds.

In a span of a second, Banner's pupils watched as what seemed like two comets blasted off into the distance, he glared at the sky admiring its beauty and how smoothly Tony's figure glided through the darkness.

The guy in the gold and red suit skimmed through the stratosphere, scanning the area he was riding under closely.

Tony's orbs inspected every single piece of dust with the help of Jarvis. They flew through various shops and the clamour of mixed voices while lights flickered off in the apartments, others dozing off for a long nights sleep.

The roads buzzed with impatient vehicles emitting monstrous shrieks. Scanning the area, Tony asked. "You got anything, Jarvis?"

"No sir, but I do detect an unusual mass of people only ten miles ahead."

"Eh, might as well." he scoffed, making his way through the small city. His eyes suddenly landed on an abandoned looking warehouse near the south side.

"Location detected, sir." Jarvis' voice faded away as Tony landed right below it.

The building was exceedingly tall and dark, the walls made of wood while there  was a small fence surrounding the whole warehouse, some were ragged while others broken off.

Tony slowly pushed three fences open, knowing their purpose was to sustain as a gate. Using no force to push the fragile thing, he took big, long steps ahead. As the billionaire made his way closer and closer to the shut entrance of the old building, a nauseating stench bombarded his senses.

Eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinting Stark was even more eager to knock the doors down, but alas, not everyone gets what they want.

He stood directly in front of the main door as the stench of rotting animals had become so awful Tony unintentionally put his hand over the metal on his nose, ceasing to remember the suit.

His fingers cradled the wood, while the door creaked open. All he was welcome to was an immense wave of an undesirable stink. His eyes could never fix onto anything as the big room was unilluminated. Darkness from the atmosphere out of the warehouse urged Tony to take action for electricity.

"Jarvis, detect a power supply."

"Main electricity point found, sir." The AI responded as a red outline on Tony's screen appeared, it was straight ahead but 45 degrees higher.

Tony took aim with his arc reactor and shot directly towards the power supply, getting rid of all the darkness that lay upon the warehouse. But what his hazel irises soon landed on made Stark regret ever firing the arc reactor.

His hands shook vividly trying to contact Fury while his pulse intensified and the veins on his body grew prominently. His pupils dilated as his breath shook tremendously through the metal. Fury's ringtone vibrated through Stark's body when it suddenly stopped.


"Ah, Iron Man, I hope you have the situation cleaned up as discussed."

"Head count 50, all dead." Ignoring Fury's words Tony almost sounded like Jarvis himself.

"Tony, be clear on what you're saying."

"How much more clear can I be? There's a total of 50 people dead in here." he spoke, reading off of his glass. "Not a sign of life. The place looks like a damn kebab shop. Fury, this is serious, they've all...they've all been dissected." 

"I'm sending agents and a medical team there right away. Are you sure they're all dead?"

"Yea--" He sensed a pair of eyes stare into his soul, he felt life amongst all of this death and grief, he felt a heart aching for his attention amongst all these deceased bodies. "Scan again, Jarvis." Stark ignored his own words, pleading someone to be alive.

"I'm sorry, sir." Was all the robotic voice said, false emotion filling his throat to ease Tony.

"All dead, Fury." He reassured.

"Stay around the area, I'm sending backup asap." Fury's stern voice growled back at him. Right as Nick had declined the call, Tony gained a rushing urge to leave the building. He trotted around the prickly hay, waiting for Fury's team to reach the premises quickly.

The raven haired man lifted his head high, closing his eyes while he let out a loud shaky sigh as his eyes aroused, they suddenly latched onto a black figure that darted past the chimney at the top of the warehouse.

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