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"I want to talk to Pietro for a while, could you please wait for me at his cell?" I asked right as Afflon and I broke away from the kiss.

"I love the taste of your plump lips, they're driving me insane." He spoke while he danced his tongue across his bottom lip. "But yea sure, I'll be there." He breathed heavily while getting out of the office.

Right after Afflon pressed a number into the elevator I decided to take the stairs that were placed right next to the lift as I only had to go down one storey.

I rushed into my room grabbing some salted chips and an apple. Once I grabbed the items I barged into the lift and travelled down.

The door to room 1 was already unlocked so I made my way in Pietro's face lighting up to my sight while he was tied to the chair. Afflon's voice was mumbled behind me as the door closed shut. Leaving his slim structure behind.

"I don't even know your name but still for some reason I trust you." He laughed watching my body make its way to the metallic bed. I took a glance over at Pietro's face, the white in his eyes replaced as red on a ripe cherry, his hair was a scrambled mess while the bags under his eyes were deep and dark.

"I don't have a name..." I stopped and looked him deep into the eyes "I have a number." His eyes seemed to grow wide, confused yet it looked like he understood just perfectly. "Agent 49." I smiled with the big reveal.

"You don't like that name no?" He asked curiously while I opened the packet of chips.

"It's unique." Was all I could answer with given the quick question. "I got these for you." He stared at the packet of chips and then his cuffed hands. "Don't mind if I feed you right?."

"Go ahed." He opened his mouth, I travelled my hand close to his mouth and dropped the chip onto the tip of his tongue when he closed his jaw and chewed. "If you don't like your name..." he swallowed the chip as it made its way down his throat "I can give you a new one."

"What's that?." I giggled repeating the motion with Pietro about the salted edible in my hand. He paused talking for a minute to digest the chip when he continued speaking.

"Printsessa, Moyà Printsessa." He never left my green gaze, a soft smile appearing on his lips while his thick, blond eyebrow arched up.

"Does that mean princess?" I asked.

"No...it means my princess." His thick accent emphasised on the word 'my'.

"Why are you kind to me Pietro? After all I've done... I kidnapped you and your sister, I'm the reason you're here suffering when you could be out free, I'm the reason for you and your sister being apart." I sighed.

"Its because-"

"Save it, tell me after we succeed."

"I've got a whole speech ready up in here." His eyes rolled up motioning to his brain.

I smiled and continued feeding him, some of his saliva getting left back on my solid fingers after he was done with both meals I made my way out.

Getting into the lift with Afflon as he was going back into his office and I planned on going back to my room to change into my uniform.

The elevator ride was filled with awkward silence and casual stares but right as it opened on floor 25 I heard Afflon's accent behind me. "Meet me up after you change." And with that the elevator door closed.

I jumped into my jeans straddling on all of my many belts, I reached out for my weapons placing them in the rightful areas as meandered onto my vanity desk and mirror grabbing my sapphire ring and metal bracelet.

I always loved my hidden blade, it felt more of like a connection, I never usually started my days without it, god forbid I casually even slept with it on sometimes bypassing the fact on how dangerous that could be.

I leisurely made my way to Afflon's office. "Yea what?" I casually opened the door.

"I want to take you around town flower." He suggested.

"To what... rape me in a dark alley." I looked at the more humorous side of my dark joke laughing my head off when I realised Afflon was quiet angry at the statement. "Oh I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay, I understand I should've gotten to know you way before."

Why was he doing this all of a sudden? Why was he actually being nice usually I would never last eight hours without being dragged into an abuse session for such little things like not tying my shoe laces.

"Well why didn't you?" I asked titling my head like a little puppy.

"Because I never got the time flower." He blocked the mass of air flying past our bodies as his right hand lay on my shoulder. "ARAE was just staring up and I had so much to do I hardly slept for a very long time, I even starved putting all my effort and work into this organisation." A hopeless grin on his face emerged out of the shadows.

"Fine lets go." I brutally answered back, while we were on the lift he continued speaking.

"I want to ask of something from you." His Swedish accent erupted, never waiting for a reply back Afflon continued speaking "I want you to join me until all of eternity, making us the King and Queen of ARAE, I want you to join me in the office we can both be founders of ARAE."

"So then I don't get to do missions?"

"You'll still be out chasing the big dogs, so what do you say?" He asked me as we made our way to level 0 walking, walking out the exit when I realised our mode of transport.

"Grab onto my hips tightly we'll be in town by two seconds."

"Oh no, I want this to be special." I never understood his words until a black limo dove it's way towards us, stopping right in position for me to get in.

"Allow me." A butler who was placed right next to the exit unlatched the door for me to get in as he raised his other hand out for my aid.

"Oh uh... this is so fancy." I muttered getting into the luxurious vehicle I seated myself on the long black cushion while in front of me was a fridge, a small television, champagne glasses, you name it. I felt like it was something out of a dream I thought I'd never have.

"You like it flower?" He smirked taking a seat next to me.

"It's like I'm dreaming." My jaw hung open as my eyes wandered to the blue tinted lights along the car.

"I'll take that as a yes." He laughed, my eyes slowly made their way to his which were the same electric shade that consumed the recreational vehicle. "I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned for tonight."

"Oh don't worry if I don't my gun always comes in handy." My dry humour seeped through his musky cologne when we both shared a giggle.

"I made some changes, to Level -2, rooms 1 and 2... they're not soundproof anymore-"

"H-how many of my conversations did you hear?" I wanted to scream out in terror I couldn't focus on anything but where this car was driving too.

Are we going far away from here so no one could ever find my decaying carcass, was he trying to earn my trust all these days after that conversation I had with Pietro about us escaping just to simply my death for this right exact moment?

Just so he could ask me about my 'great escape' , what would happen to Wanda and Pietro, oh god why me? Why did my life have to be like this.

"Oh I heard... all of it."

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