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Tony reconnected his signals to Nick, the pair of hazel irises never leaving the sight where the black shadow had vanished.

"I think we have an enhancement." He finally spoke as Fury picked up the call. "My team shouldn't be less than a minute away. I need you to find out how this happened, Tony."

"On it." Was all he breathed out as the connection was cut. He fired up the thrusters and slowly made his way to the roof. As Tony landed on the termite ridden wood a creak erupted from beneath his feet.

Jarvis was vigorously scanning the area as Tony was looking around. "I find no signs of activity here, Mr.Stark." The trustworthy companion spoke while Tony was left baffled. "That's not possible, Jarvis. I think I need to reprogram you at the tower again."

"Whatever you feel is necessary, Mr.Stark." was all the AI said. Tony took a few steps closer to the edge, approaching the chimney. He kept a vigilant eye but kept calm in hopes for some sort of small town mercenary to jump out.

Reaching the eye level chimney, Tony leaned in and was cautious as he stepped around the base of it, taking closer steps beside it. His head slowly eased closer to peer over into the other side. But all his eyes met was the dark night sky.

His ears suddenly perked up to the sound of cars as they drove into the parking lot, their rubber tires crunching heavily on the gravel covered ground. They all had the SHIELD logo imprinted on them which made him feel at ease.

Raising his eyes, he met a hurdle met upon a hurdle of men and women slowly approached the entrance like he did, but they were at a steady stance with their hands pointed at the sky with fully loaded guns.

His body suddenly felt that wave again, the one with a gaze so powerful it felt like it was burning through his soul.

"You know I thought your suit would be shinier in person." Tony's eyes widened, the voice rang in his head like the annoying ringtone of his alarm on a Monday morning.

He turned around so quickly that the words didn't finish coming out of his mouth.

However, when he turned around he saw blank space. Nothing. Everything around him was pure scenery.

Out of no where a knife sank the metal on his arm, his head turned sharply to the side. "Darling, the name's Iron Man. You're going to need much more than a knife to get under my skin." he hummed, pulling out the pathetic excuse of an attack and dropping the blade at his feet.

In the speed of what felt like light, a pair of warm thighs wrapped around the back of his neck while an arm grabbed onto his pulling it back, pinning him to the ground. The woman's other arm put an immense amount of pressure onto his head and he could feel the metal around his skull indenting at the sudden amount of force.

As Tony's head was facing the swarming facade of agents clearing the warehouse, collecting samples and writing reports of the casualties, he was lying  at the top of the warehouse unable to force himself out from under the woman because of the inhuman, soul crushing force pushed down on him.

As the enhancement's arm left his, Tony's ears seized onto the sound of metal being forced out in an expeditious duration of time. 'A hidden blade' he thought they called it.

One that was attached to anything tight around your wrist and usually made for battle, aimed for less damage. Mostly used in older times but technology had gotten its eye for these hidden blades

The hidden blade came out whenever the user wanted it to by usually detecting the perimeter of a person who was close to the user and the high pulse rates around the veins of the wrist. It ranged from the sizes three and seven; three being the minimum while seven inches was the maximum.

The enhancement's concealed blade shot through the metal of Tony's suit with a vengeance, tearing deep into the soft flesh on his back. He felt it glide into the layers of his marrow and ever so quickly expel right out of his tender tissues.

Motionless and stuck beneath this body, all Tony did was eject a loud scream that caught Agent Hills' attention. The stinging sensation bolted through his anatomy; sweat dribbled down his forehead while his pink lips never seemed to move like that of a fish out of water.

Tony suddenly coughed making blood gush onto his screen, causing his vision to become blurry. All his eyes met with was the slick red liquid that slowly leaked down the internal screen.

"Mr Stark!" Agent Hill exclaimed, never noticing him on top of the roof like any of the other agents.

"What are you waiting for ? Shoot the bitch!" He screamed until a jolt of pain shot through his system, causing him to whine from the sudden agony.

"I need agents up top. Stark's been hit." she mumbled into her walkie talkie before looking up at Stark's prone body. I'm afraid you're asking me to shoot the trees, Mr. Stark. There's no one around you." she replied, raising her tone so Stark could hear her from the roof.

He didn't bother replying as two agents lowered him onto a stretcher. As they made their way off of the roof, all Tony could think about was the enhancement. It was a girl and she didn't seem to be more than twenty years old. He wasn't quite sure if she was younger than eighteen, but all he knew was that she definitely sounded young.

However, what Tony really felt creeping up into his veins was why he never took any action when he had all the time in the world. Yes, she was quick and skilled, but Tony was trained for more than that.

The man who could take down ten robots at one time couldn't pin down a single girl in one of the most basic positions of combat, not to mention she was probably another twenty years junior to him.

All these thoughts clouded his brain while his mask was torn off by agent Hill who was staring down at intensely him.

"Hang in there, Stark we're on our way to the hospital right now." Hill spoke, looking over his bare face.

That was all Tony heard as his pupils meandered around the white inside the ambulance. Within a few moments of Tony trying his hardest to keep his eyes aware they had finally given in, leading him into a deep slumber.

There were many trucks behind and in front of the emergency vehicle. Some were leisure cars that were filled with agents and the others were trucks made to carry the bodies of the deceased to a local graveyard.

Some trucks drove to the graveyard while two mini vans were loaded with three dead men that Fury wanted to use in order to determine who was behind this madness.

The other cars collected samples from the crime scene, while some agents had samples with them.

The only thing that didn't follow them back were two cars. Some agents decided to stay back at the crime scene to preserve the evidence looking on in grief at the innocent blood split as they were beginning to clear up the warehouse and all of the sins that had been committed inside.

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