•twenty five•

506 23 17

The metal door opened right as we got close to it, leaving the room that was home to the worst memories that I would ever contain at the depths of my hopeless brain.

"You guys ready for war?" I asked them as we marched up the stairs.

"Ha! They wouldn't see it coming." Pietro's accent lingered in my ears, calming my nerves down.

Ascending up 6 levels we finally got to the long corridor of Level 1, we all stood in perfect alignment at the start of the corridor. Right as Gunter unlocks those doors there's going to be fifteen trained agents fighting us for their lives.

My left hand reached back as I brought back my bloody katana to life, now armed with two swords the four of us stood in our attacking stances, ready for whatever would come in our way.

The doors all slowly creaked open seconds later loud screams filled the corridor as I saw agents leaving they're rooms and barging towards us.

Almost all of them were armed with guns.

I heard the sound of Bucky's riffle shoot when I charged ahed. Pietro's blue flame seemed to reach the end of the corridor as he kept the fight going on there.

A man charged towards me, I swung my katana to his right leg when he dodged the swing, ducking at the reflexive sight of my sabre sword in one move, he then spiralled around as I quickly took advantage of the situation and kicked his body.

He feel over his stomach while I plunged my sabre sword into the depths of his back. His screams of agony mixed with ones of different people all around the room.

I pulled out the sword, feeling it push past through many layers. I aligned both my swords sideways and sliced through his body, blood was fresh on my face as I walked over his dead frame, trying to lock eyes with my next victim.

"Looks tasty don't you think?"

Bucky almost shot down five other agents and was now handling the men by hand with aid of a small pocket knife.

Wanda was manipulating brains, she was working on conflicting enmity between two agents of the same team, she loaded the fight right at the front while Bucky was a close second, I was right in the middle of the rooms while Pietro was attacking all the way at the front.

A man from room 7 charged straight at me sideways with a big knife as all I did was step back as he hit the wall in front. I sheepishly laughed at this 'trained agent' simply digging both my knives into his body, making him stick to the walls.

I left his frame with my blades lingering onto his bleeding body, bringing out both my guns. 7 down 8 to go.

My body spun back to watch the two agents manipulated by Wanda battling it out, an easy kill I thought to myself, placing both my guns as closely as I could to their moving bodies.

I pulled the trigger loud and fast watching both of them lifelessly drop onto the floor. A pile of bodies collecting up as I made my way to the front.

I watched another agent drop down as Bucky skilfully threw his knife right into the neck veins of a girl who was charging at me. She started to suffocate as I ended that by sending a bullet flying through her stomach.

She was dangerously close to me while her body was dragged by the force of gravity, her forehead resting right on my shoes. I decided to ditch my combat pistol, placing it back into my belt and ran towards a guy who was trying his best to punch Pietro.

As he was sideways my actions were more accessible. The clueless man was brought to  my left leg bouncing over his thigh for support while my right leg landed over his shoulders. I pushed him down with both my hands suffocating the back of his throat, never loosing my grip over the new gun, my left leg was soon to join the party as his body stumbled to the floor.

I held his position while firing a bullet to the back of his brain. My face turned towards Wanda as she was happily taking out a grown woman with her powers, the red in her eyes darker than fire.

11 out 4 to demolish.

I observed as Bucky held out a fight long enough for the guy to give up. What a waste of space, I spent no time in spending a bullet on that pathetic excuse of a human.

I walked over to Pietro who was handling a bloke, flying punches met with the agent as I finished the business with a bullet.

As there were only 2 human lives left Pietro dashed past me, leaving me in company with his neon blue and grey mist. In a matter of seconds he offered Bucky his riffle, Bucky then deciding to take down both the remaining agents who were picking a fight with Wanda.

"I still think most kill count goes to 49 no?" Pietro jokingly looked around at the human mountain laying beneath us, a smile just had to leave my lips as he looked back at me.

"No time to rest ladies we've still almost got twenty five floors of fight and the higher the levels, the harder the battles. Kind of like a video game so don't spend too much energy on the lower Levels." I walked over the soulless bodies of dead people while Bucky and Pietro were trying to avoid any physical contact with them while meeting back with Wanda next to the staircase.

"Got it boss." Pietro cooed as Bucky nodded in full agreement.

"Promise me, all of you that you won't get killed." I turned to look intensely into everyone's eyes.

"Promise." Pietro and Wanda said in unison as their accents merged in perfect harmony, oh twins, while Bucky simply nodded again.

Barnes fingers went up to the hem of his black mask and dislocated it from his face, dropping it onto the pile of waste.

I got to the man I'd made into a shish kebab by impaling both my swords into. I put my gun back into my police belt, ready to take back my swords. I used all my strength to untangle the pointy ends both from the wall and his meaty body.

I let out a loud groan while I was finally capable of gazing at the bloody blades while they unraveled from his corpse.

I found the three waiting for my presence by the staircase, hoping they'd all have the stamina to keep solid combats going until Level 24 and 25, that's where the real threats were, ranging from heavily armoured to mutants to experienced gods of combat.

"They're agents? More like damsels in distress." Pietro huffed at the eased victory.

"Tell that to Afflon." I joined with a grin as we slowly strolled up the stairways, a trail of dripping blood following us along due to my sword.

I want to witness more blood, more death, more suffering, more screams and more piles of lifeless anatomies.

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