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"Hold tight onto my hip, don't you dare let go." I commanded him while he followed out the task, digging his nails into my jacket.

I flew into the sky, directing myself to jump forward, Afflon's weight on me making the height I was expecting to be lesser than imagined but right in a jiffy we landed just in front of ARAE.

Afflon and I both sprinted down the hallways, all eyes turned to us as we made our way into the lift that was already on level 0. Afflon's fingers eager to reach level 17.

We were waiting in the elevator for what almost seemed like an hour, my legs twitches while Afflon couldn't stop his fingers from swimming through his hair pushing his golden locks back.

The door finally seemed to open as we rushed into the rows of computers and chairs, worried faces seemed to gives us all the attention, Agent Bentley rushed his way from a crowded area towards us panting his life away in distress.

"Sir we-we did all we could, I jut don't know how they bypassed our security system." He huffed, his hands shaky resembling his voice.

"What do they know?" My heart raced fast, the question I asked itself making me shudder.

"They know about future tasks, whatever information we have about SHIELD and Agent 49' past missions." Bentley spoke to me.

"Level 17 takes care of those three things, Level 18 takes care of every Agents character profile and detailed description of what we planned for them in the future and what they've done in the past, it also tells their weapons, uniform, who they were before ARAE and what experiments and training they went through. Level 19 takes care of all of this and also the whole organisation's security, relations and details of what we have about all other organisations." Afflon told me all of this right now, I was shook but my body never letting go of hope.

"You had to tell me all that now? When we're under a crisis." I asked sarcastically.

"They were only able to access information on floor 17 although they wrote something back." Bentley spoke.

"First off I need you to backup all information on Level 17 to Level 19, then erase all the data from here."

"My team is already working on that sir."

"What did they write back?" I asked Bentley joining in on the conversation.

"They said if we cooperate, they won't leak any information to the rest of the world." I was in disbelief.

"What do they mean by cooperate?" My words slowly sunk into the air.

"They-they want to join forces." As Bentley finished we both looked over to Afflon whose jaw was clenched, a strong appeal never left his face, he was probably only expecting an Agent transfer, I couldn't imagine being in his shoes at this very moment.

"Which HYDRA base is this coming from?" Afflon asked.

"Russia, after 49 freed The Winter Soldier, they need all the help they can get to form a new world order, the avengers are making it harder by each passing day." Bentley hopelessly remarked.

The decision was all up to Afflon at this point "How long do we have to decide?" He held his rigid posture.

"48 hours sir."

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