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I woke up from the light that managed to seep through a small space at where my curtains didn't meet eachother. The warm bask lining across my face as I sat up on my bed.

Today is going to be my day, watch me go out in style. I still felt a little hazy because of how late I slept and looking over the the clock that read 8:31 am I wasn't so surprised at my lack of energy.

I rushed over the the washroom to freshen up my face, in a rush I put on my trust worthy uniform and armed my whole body with every weapon I could fit into my clothes.

My legs strolled over to the vanity desk as I sat myself down on the red chair, drinking in my own sight as it showed on the mirror. Today was a special day so what's the harm in looking the part?

My hands moved over to all the makeup that was in store almost as if waiting for this exact day to put it on, I usually despised wearing makeup or slipping on body con dresses but some missions just had to call for them.

I took my foundation brush, spreading and dabbing at the matte liquid that coated my face, the colour was almost like a match made in heaven while all my pores and acne seemed to show as if none at all.

I topped off the foundation with some translucent powder, this helped a lot to conceal sweat and minimise the oil that would collect up on my skin throughout the day.

I finished my look with bold yet subtle cat eyes, mesmerised at how they contrasted with the colour of my iris's. I noticed a small Vaseline lip balm, I stroked it over my plump lips illuminating and smoothing my red mouth.

I felt great to kick some ass today, looking back over to the time noticing that I almost took an hour to get ready I left my room, taking the stairs up to get over to Afflon's habitat.

I charged round the circular structure, entering into Afflon's resting place, more gently this time for a change instead of completely barging in. "Morning." He said going through various papers with a pen on his right hand that glided in between his index and middle finger.

"Can you make me coffee?." I knew he'd get annoyed by my request as Afflon disrelished being burdened when he was busy. His face slowly nudged up, although it lightened up just as fast.

"As much as I would love to say no, you look just as tempting as candy to a little kid." He slowly stood up from his seat, ambling across to my body.

"Ingredients are at mine." I was never quiet spoke around him, Afflon usually errupted the annoyance and stale flavour of my various sides.

I felt him trail behind me like a lost puppy, as we got into my room with my keys he shut the door behind him gradually making his way to my kitchen while I sat down on my bed.

Switching on the tv opposite to the wall of which my bed was facing, I hardly used it but decided watch something special today.

"What kind of coffee do you want." He shouted over to the sound of random channels I was scrolling through on the viewing device.

"Cappuccino." I answered, my eyes finally met with a movie I found interest in 'We're the Millers.' It read, I choose the comedy film before getting up to join Afflon at the kitchen.

I sat myself up on one of the free slabs, watching him brew up my drink. "I'm so relived after the success of our tech team yesterday." He muttered.

"Not sure Felix, it's not like none of the HYDRA workers went through the real details, even if we changed them it only takes one person to spot the slightest difference."

"I guess you're right." He sighed, realising this wasn't a secret we could from them for long. "Your drinks ready though." He handed me over the coffee with a forced smile to seem okay. "So, does your breakfast usually consist of just coffee."

"That and toast." I pointed over to my toaster as he seemed to search for where I kept my bread.

While he was conducting a search party that only he was involved in, my eyes drifted to the movie on the screen unpredictably giggling at various unfiltered scenes, sipping on the perfectly made drink.

Right as Afflon dumped bread into the toaster, his phone rang my eyes were concentrated on the movie while my ears on the call.

The only one thing Afflon said is "Good." Before squishing the phone back into his blue jeans.

"Who's that?" I simply asked him while my eyes were glued on the tv.

"Cho had to re touch on Tony's procedure after the night you stabbed him."

"I thought the serum was a one way trip." I knew he was hiding something, usually when Afflon spills out these white lies his feet would start tapping. "What was the serum even meant for? You never told me."

"It was meant for his aid." The sound of his shoes got even faster when the toaster suddenly popped up with brown toast, making Afflon jump.

I had to ask Cho for myself. Afflon made his way over to get a plate for the bread, handing me over two pieces.

I took one while I sat the plate down next to me.

"When was the procedure done?"

"1 to 2 am at most. She would probably be back at ARAE in a few more minutes, thirty max. The distance between New York and Iceland isn't much thankfully." His feet were finally still joining my eyes to watch the hilarious movie.

It was currently 9:55 am, I wanted to check out new gadgets so I could take out all the agents at ARAE in luxury, then I had to meet with Cho to come clear about what she really gave to Tony and at last but not least free the Maximoff twins and get out of this sinful building.

"I almost forgot, what about Pietro and Wanda?" I asked Afflon curious to know what he had in mind.

"You don't think I'm just going to let two mutants get out of here with some simple questions do you?" He asked rhetorically "I'm going to force them to work for me."

"I had a feeling all along but how?"

"Oh, I'm quiet the fan of this one." His voice seemed to get dangerously psychotic. "Mental implantation and reprogramming." He squealed.

But that's what HYDRA did to Bucky... Afflon was trying to either wipe their memories or replace them with false ones.

Afflon used to monstrously erase my memory but soon realised the effects only worked temporarily.

But that was at the start of ARAE, although he doesn't wipe me anymore I'm sure the machine works flawlessly and is capable of permanent damage now.

The reprogramming machine was fairly new and he only ever got the blue prints by hacking into HYDRA. He put so much money into brining the machine to life at the quickest time possible, over labouring workers and surpassing the line of humanity.

I won't let any of that happen, not again. In my world I'm never going to let history repeat itself.

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