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"How could I--um-- help you?" I arched my eyebrows, I could feel every inch of my body shaking in the desperate need for this woman to not recognise me.

"I'm very sorry to bother you, but you haven't happen to see a tall, silver haired guy around here have you? He has pale skin, blue eyes...no?" she questioned, her words sounding even more tense the longer she spoke to me.

I could smell her minty breath as it was escaping her mouth, was she talking about who I think she was? No, she couldn't be.

"No. If you'll excuse, me I have an important meeting to get to." I blankly replied, knowing Mr.Afflon never lied about my skills at acting. He said I was naturally gifted with it.

"Right sorry." Was all Hill said. She was looking deep into my eyes while I was paralysed on the spot. In less than a second she turned, disappearing into the crowd of stray people as all my vision was capable of seeing now was various hairstyles and hair colours.

I walked faster than I ever had, knowing that meeting Maria was lethal for me. I didn't believe it, surely she knew who I was. I'm more than sure that the guy she mentioned was Pietro. The the way Maria mentioned him was a perfect match.

I made my way into the old hotel that contained broken windows and creaking stairs, dashing up the stairs to get into room eighty three .My soft palms felt the rigid phone in the place I last put it. I quickly called Mr. Afflon.

"Mr. Afflon," I breathed into the phone as I rushed up the stairs going past the second floor.


"Maria Hill--I met her."

"Flower, are you in your right senses, "he chuckled, thinking I was playing some kind of sick joke on him.

"Sir, it's true. She asked me if I knew this guy. All she did was give me a description and it.. it sounded exactly like Pietro Maximoff." My voice hitched inside my throat when I had finally made it to the fourth floor.

I swept past the other apartments breathing heavily, gawking at the different numbers until I found mine.

"She didn't recognise you?" Mr. Affront sounded very curious.

"No sir, no she didn't. Or at least it didn't look like it."

"Then there is no need for this state of panic, my flower. If SHIELD had found your profile the only picture available to them would be the one when you were only the delicate age of six." The blonde man calmed his tone, hoping for me to do the same.

As I entered my room, I looked around the neat surroundings, the overpowering scent of candy that shone off my new dollar store perfume merging itself into every furniture in the room. My body collapsed onto the bouncy bed when I couldn't help but let out a long moan. I felt my back pain ease out into the bed and my body was at a total state of nirvana.

"Excited eh?" Mr. Afflon remarked at the noise that boomed out of my voice box.

"Don't be such a nonce."

"Flower, I still do not understand what that foul sounding word means."

"British slang, educate yourself you Swedish fuck," I spat, declining my call and mentally preparing for my next meeting with Mr. Afflon. Which would most likely end with leather belts forced onto the surface of my cuticles, adding more bloody bruises to the number count on my body.

So a silver haired sonic and his freak show of a twin were my next mission. I wondered how it felt for them to loose their family at such a young age. I often wondered how it felt to feel the emotion of missing someone, needing someone.

Trying to banish the thoughts from my mind, I climbed out of my bed and reached towards the table where I had spotted the one litre bottle of rohypnol. My fingers trailed onto the shelves at the bottom of the desk as I unbolted it quickly.

My hands searched for my blue latex gloves while my eyes still wandered around the clear liquid. When my fingers finally made it to the gloves I slipped them on faster than Pietro probably could himself.

Once I had my precautionary measures in check I opened the lid to the bottle, I always wore a ring on my middle finger. It had a medium sized blue gem on it, but it wasn't just any ring, I could insert 100ml of rohypnol in that 'gem', rohypnol, more commonly known as roofie.

It would only activate if it had any amount of the liquid in there. As much as two milligrams of rohypnol could make a person pass out for eight hours or more.

However, before I punch someone, all I have to say is  'lights out' for a small needle to spring out of the ring that contained either two or three milligrams of the liquid. It was voice activated, so it only ever responded to me.

The drug took about five to ten minutes to fully knock any opponent out, it was something I used very often. The best part? It's out of their system in twenty four hours and it leaves no trace of ever being there in the first place.

My plan was rather simple. Find Wanda, act as if I'm lost in this new place and live the life of a tourist along side her. When she least expects, I'll say the magic word and she'd hardly know what hit her.

After that, I'll put up an exciting fist fight against Pietro away from is his twin while the sun sets. The birds will chirp when I see my reflection battling his on the grains of sand in Agloe and I'll singlehandedly defeat the other Maximoff.

That's when I'll dump their unconscious bodies together and wait for a helicopter, gazing into the full, moon lit sky, and in no time this ass would be back in ARAE, along with two others.

The addicting thought of my antics with the twins made me feel pumped, excited and more alive than I had ever thought possible.

All the mundane worries of my life had been muted and all there was to know was
that these moments would come to me like new spells to a flowering sorceress.

I loved myself a good brawl, especially when I heard about them having powers. I found it fascinating how the twins had escaped a HYDRA research lab and lived in complete anonymity until now.

It was a almost like a joke to know SHIELD couldn't get to they're their location before ARAE. I took off my gloves and shoved them back inside the draw after I was done transferring some of the liquid.

I decided to leave the rohypnol in its place. It looked so pure, just like clean, quality water.

I guess that's why they all say it's the inside that matters. I dropped back into my bed, placing my white laptop onto my thighs while planning to watch martial arts and a bunch of movies until I drifted off to sleep, knowing tomorrow would be a bewildering day for me.

*On the helicarrier*

"Miss Hill, I thought I specifically asked you to find 49 and not look for the Maximoff twins!" Fury screamed into his ear piece. "The Avengers have gone specifically to Sokovia to address that matter. What in your right mind makes you think that they are in Central New York!" he seethed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fury. It won't happen again."

"It damn well better not. You need to stop worrying about the twins. Our team detected their dwelling in a HYDRA research lab located in the central outskirts of Sokovia. As I already said, so I have no idea what you were thinking to be asking random people on the streets of New York about them!" He never stopped ranting as he made the decision to cut the call off before Agent Hill could utter another word of 'sorry'.

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