•twenty three•

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"I'm doing this because it's madness, Felix." I screamed, holding my position I know that I have to free Pietro and Wanda from their places so they could help me as soon as possible.

"Javla helvete." Swedish profanity sprung out of his mouth.

I inched back, maintaining my stance getting closer to Pietro than I was already in, my left hand dug for the keys to free him when I finally pulled it out, gaining an astonished sigh from Afflon.

"H-How did you get those?" His frame bent low, while his phone started to vibrate uncontrollably on the floor.

"Gunter and I are well aquatinted." He ignored my words, shakily answering the phone "Speaker." I dominantly demanded.

"Mr-Mr Afflon, I'm speaking from Level 19, there's a maniac here and he has us all trapped. I-I think he's already killed ten experienced agents, the whole tech group is under hostage, There's all sixty one agents in here Mr A-Afflon." I recognised Bentleys paranoid voice over the phone. Huffing and puffing his words seemed to come out as whispers.

"Bentley, there's all sixty one of you, attack him!" Right as Afflon offered the message, I freed one hand of Pietro's and noticed how his devious smile grew by the minute.

"We tried sir, but-but he's hurting the ones wh-who take action... Agent Lubov is bleeding to death because she t-tried to st-stop him. We're not skilled and deadly agents sir, w-were just a bunch of we-weird intelluctuals" Bentleys voice almost as rushed as tears that were streaming down his cheeks.

"Why aren't the rest of the agents from levels 1 to 4 and our most ones on level 24 to 25 taking any action?" Afflon was scared, scared he might loose everything he's put his heart and soul into.

He was so mesmerised by the chat that Afflon didn't even notice the astounding fact about Pietro's freedom and that I'd just gave him the same key so he could unlock his sister.

"They're all-all on lockdown, there's a hacker on Level 18 w-who's managing the security." Bentley kept whispering to keep his voice unknown to the deadly man keeping everyone hostage.

"Who's this guy keeping you hostage?"

"I think it's T-" A similar gunshot was heard, knowing Bentley's passing all I could do is let out a snicker as it made my job easier.

My ears hopped up to the sound of Wanda's first leg cuff open, Pietro using his powers to free Wanda when finally, she was unlocked.

I heard her sudden scream and angered stomping as she charged towards me, shouting "You bitch, I'm going to kill you."

I never dared look back but in a second I felt Pietro's toned back on mine. "Wanda, wait she is helping us." He tried to halt her by clasping onto her hands, hoping she'd give heed to his words.

"Just trust me, she's a nice girl." I could almost feel his addictive smile.

Wanda's breathing seemed to ease down, only motioning to the fact that her nerves were calm again.

"Stop what you're doing and think again, don't act upon things you'll regret." Afflon tried to buy me with his words that meant noting in my ears.

"This will be the one in my life that I will not regret." I emphasised.

I felt the presence of Pietro's buff body stand to my right, the sight of his angered eyes, clenched jawline and furrowed eyebrows looked straight to Afflon, he pulled his ever so famous pose 'I'm ready to run' and held the stance strong.

Wanda shortly following, at the corner of my eyes I noticed her placed to my left. The expression on Pietro's face pasted onto hers, Wanda's eyes mesmerisingly crimson while her hands resting beside her, they were both producing a red mystic ball.

I felt as if in ecstasy like the three of us were a trio, I felt in control while standing in the middle the feeling of power rushing through my spine almost chilling my bones as I felt like this was the first time anyone had ever taken my side.

"Please 49, don't leave me. I created you, you have no right to."

"That's where you're wrong Afflon, you had no right to experiment on me at such a young age without my consent. You have no right to be speaking about rights when you're the definition of a person who's violated every single one of them."

He was at loss of words by my statement.

"You wouldn't dare leave, yes I experimented on you but that was the best thing that's ever happened to you flower, because of me you're one of the strongest people alive." He tried calming me down, but I will never listen to him, not until the day I take my last breath.

"It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me, because of you the whole world is going to hate me for things I didn't even do. I never killed people Afflon, you did. I never hurt anybody, you did. You used to get your missions forcefully accomplished by me and I have finally realised that now." I paused. "I was never given the choice, I was always forced to kill, so don't you dare say it was the best thing that's ever fucking happened to me." I spat, disgusted by his words.

"You can't deny the thoughts going through your brains once you kill though can you 49? You're a sick and twisted fuck, who loves a good red ledger and that's not me, all those wild, mature, psychic thoughts you have that's not me." The three of us watched as his face grew psychotic as he started to laugh hysterically.

"I won't deny it, and I'm going to make sure that my wildest fantasies come to life when I'm chopping you up." I deviously smirked, hoping for him to get a little intimidated.

"This is not how the plan should be going." Afflon screamed to himself "We, were meant to be the King and Queen of ARAE. I made you to be Transcendent, god damnit what more do you want." He screamed the words louder each time.

"Well, this Queen don't need a King."

My cornered eyes watched Pietro's soft lips form a smirk at my comment.

"A fast boy and a weird girl aren't going to help you stop ninety one trained agents, sixty one tech intellectuals and thirty guards." Afflon's menacing laugh made a comeback. "Even if you do, HYDRA still has tags on ARAE so either way you'll be exposed to the world." He paused for a split second to take a breather. "After all that... what's going to happen to this building and all the information up in the computers about it? Accept your defeat." He groaned.

"Oh, who says it's just us three?" I acted surprised. "Gunter on my call."

"Ready ma'am."

Afflon completely stunned at my words as he waited in anticipation and fear. Knowing the time of his death was closer at every passing second from now.

I momentarily dropped my sabre sword, lifting both my hands to my lips, cupping them to make the next set of words that would leave them to be heard more than a mile away.

Afflon's eyes grew, curtains of sweat mounting all over his face. Wanda and Pietro were almost shaking not knowing if they should be petrified or relieved.

"SOLDIER." I screamed loud enough to let my lungs hurt.

The dull door was quick to open, being the rightfully anticipated entrance for the tall, bulky man who was most famous in ARAE for his metal arm.

You should really rethink which party will be victorious now Felix Afflon, the man who invented nightmares.

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