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1st person

We left the bar leaving behind Wanda's twin who's strangely more attractive than all the pictures I've ever seen of him, my plan concocted into even more evil by each passing second.

"So I never asked you, what's your name." Wanda smiled leading the way.

"Uh... um my name well it's Luna." I bluntly said getting annoyed with this little interview of Wanda's, lying my way through most of it.

"Why do you need to go to that barn Luna?"

"My mum used to live here for a year. She left behind some things in the barn that she forgot about, I'm just here to collect all that." I couldn't help the rude tone I was used to when people asked me questions.

"Oh okay." Wanda maintained her smile, I couldn't wait to see that little grin of hers vanish into a cry for help.

The most compelling part of this plan was I didn't know what weapon to use on her, she could use chaos magic, probability manipulation and reality wrapping. If all that doesn't scream power I don't know what does.

"Almost there yes." The sokovian accent boomed into my ears, the sun started to set setting an orange saturated hue around the whole architecture-less town.

I longingly looked over to Wanda, taking in her beauty while her grey eyes were fixed on the road and her mouth desperately finishing the milkshake.

As we got to the barn my eyes laid upon an old mixture of wood, it had an open entrance.

"We're here-" Wanda said still facing the barn while I was an inch behind her.

"Lights out." I faintly heard the microscopic needle burst out the topaz gem of my ring when I laid a small punch on her upper back.

Wanda turned to face me when her expression changed by my actions. "What the hell was tha-"

"Mosquito, it-it was on your back." I convincingly lied.

"Um..." was all she managed to say while she started getting dizzy, rolling back her lips uttered "What did you do to me." She screemed while her body sat itself on the dust of the roadless path.

She raised her hands up as I witnessed a red mist form into the shape of a ball, it was mesmerising. I noticed Wanda's eyes change into the colour of the setting sun in the cloudless sky.

She aimed at me, the red ball shot straight to my body sending my flying into the wandering dust as I landed on my back with a loud thud on the floor.

Just another three minutes and she'll be unconscious. My head ached by the sudden contact with such a hard surface while my eyes were closed shut to try eliminate any loud screams from my voice box.

I could feel the blades on my back trying to sink into my own skin while I found the courage to get up, I stood shakily yet quick knowing I needed to take back the twins to ARAE headquarters alive.

I jumped with less height directing myself towards the direction I got kicked out in landing myself in front of Wanda by the time period of a quick second.

I saw Wanda struggle to lift any part of her serum filled body while the only thing aware on her structure were those mesmerising pupils. "You're a mutant t-too." She managed to speak when her eyes shut down.

I carried her unconscious body and dumped it into the dark barn. As the last glimpse of the sun set, darkness started to fall upon the deadbeat area. The wind strayed across my dust clogged skin, I hummed in delight of the dark setting that started to fall upon me.

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