•twenty four•

501 28 16

The heavy door closed at his entrance and Afflon grew paranoid by the minute, although the man's face was covered with a mask up to his eyes while his dark brown locks were scattered onto his vision, I could see the immense amount of discomfort Afflon was suffering in just by Bucky's gaze.

He almost shook by the sight of his life long inspiration, The Winter Soldier. His whole life he tried to make me exactly like the victimised man "T-the Wintet Soldier." A small whisper flew across his mouth.

"It's Bucky." I growled, while his big signature gun slowly rose up, the hem of his riffle pressed against the side of Afflon's head. If he pulled the trigger Afflon would be dead meat in less than a second.

With Afflon and Bucky standing side to side I managed to say. "Cuff him." politely  instructing Bucky as he immediately listened to my loud voice. My sabre sword was quick to return to its pocket as I knew there would be no use of it until some time ahed.

Bucky skilfully, one handedly tied up Afflon and once I was sure he wouldn't be capable of notorious attacks my foot started to drift over to Bucky. Pietro and Wanda followed along my side, perfectly aligned.

"Level -3" I spoke, knowing Gunter would get the message. The doors hesitantly squeaked open. I walked past Afflon never once looking over to his death stricken eyes.

The man with the metal arm going over to Wanda' side joining her to the left, perfectly aligned we all made our way out the room. Afflon being harshly dragged by Bucky's inconsederate amount of force.

The five of us jogged down the stairs, I heard the door close behind me, Gunter secretly having tabs on us. "49, I can conduct the rest of this without you speaking over, I have eyes on the cameras you know." I heard his familiar voice ring into my ears.

Noticing he was probably watching over us at this very moment. I smirked over his statement and chucked the ear piece into the vast expanse.

We finally reached level -5 when the door automatically unlatched themselves with the help of Gunter.

All of our eyes landed on Cho's decaying body as a slight tinge of an unpleasing scent devoured our nostrils that was erupting from her.

"What is this place?" I saw the shocked reactions of all three faces, Wanda being the only person able to search her voice for a comment.

"Welcome to the gates of hell." I looked over to Bucky who was the most affected my the sight in front of his eyes, my head nudged forwards and scanned his cloudy irises. They grey in his orbs managed to merge into a darker shade. "This is where I spent most of my nights, crying for help and withering away in pain."

Pietro put his hand on my shoulder while Wanda's snaked around my hip they both tried to comfort me. Everyone's eyes was placed on the three experimentation beds, Afflon knew just what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry." Wanda's head flew low, her sympathy growing for me, but the emotions inside me never grew but I don't feel bad for myself because I'll never be able to.

"It's okay." I flashed a smile at her direction, reassuring my state. "Buck, lock him onto the nearest bed." He simply nodded.

Afflon started screaming and moaning, spit trickling down his mouth and covering his stubble while rare tears took a road trip down his face. He pushed his whole body weight down, thinking the action would make Bucky struggle while pulling him.

Barnes' hand dropped low as Felix's body almost melted into the ground. He cried like a small baby whilst screaming like one too. "Please don't." He sobbed, while Bucky was dragging his body across the floor.

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