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Here we were on level twenty, the four of us aligned like a perfect constellation scattered across the sky yet, our bodies ready for a walk through hell.

"GUNTER! ROOM ONE AND TWO." I yelled hoping he would pick up onto my voice. "Nothing special here just really skilled assassins, they get stronger as we go along." I directed a much more softer voice to the three.

The doors screeched as they vividly opened, no apparent presence had made it out the room, I knew waiting was not on today's menu so I sprinted over to room two. Right before I could enter heavy breathing from inside made its way to my ear.

I charged one of my hands back so the rest wouldn't take a move, I took two steps back and tried my hardest to get a cheeky peak into room one.

I bet they're planning on a double attack, it had to be, my vanquished face nudged ever so lightly from the middle of the corridor and to my surprise. I was more that right.

Both the agents aimed a gun straight in the middle, their plan being to shoot the next person who passes through. Oh, if they only knew that all my attention was directed towards them.

My swords were at the ready, I was more than sure that I could take down both these agents myself at once as they more unskilled than me.

I moved right onto the middle of the corridor and got down onto my knees, further back from both the room my plan was to perfectly stab both the agents on their leg.

In a matter of seconds I swiftly glided past the rooms, my thighs being victim to a carpet burns, while throwing my knives at angled directions, my hopes of the plan working was far from a fail as I heard natural screams erupting from both rooms followed by a loud 'thud'.

I wasted no time on taking both my guns to my palms, I briskly stood up and ran into room 2.

My eyes almost froze onto the sight of him still holding onto the gun and aiming at me. "49!" A slokovian accent boomed into my ears.

The last thing my ears grasped onto before my vision was a blue blur, out of no where gunshots echoed into my ear drums as I felt my feet off the ground again.

In a swift motion my legs finally found themselves back onto the floor and my eyes opened to the sight of Pietro.

My hazy vision finally adjusted to Bucky throwing over the agent in room two across the wall.

I didn't thank Pietro as my mind was only focused on room 1 and so I charged towards it. I felt Wanda rush towards me. The dark haired, ARAE agent's gun was at the other end of the room while I saw him limp towards it.

My gun aimed straight towards his forehead, sending a bullet to end him while my mission was successful.

Bucky took out the other injured agent, my ears heard Pietro again "Special agents." He laughed, his palm gliding over his stomach.

Without any warning rooms three and four had now been unlatched, Pietro rushed to the back to take action from behind.

Agent Black of room three was quick and skilled, my eyes drifted to Pietro who caught Agent Hops by surprise.

I felt Wanda and Bucky' stare burning through me so I froze waiting for the perfect distance to carry out my attack.

Right as he was two inches before me I jumped as high as I could without breaking the walls above and rotated to face Agent Black's upright hair, I spread my legs for them to perfectly land between his head.

My hand pulled the trigger right as I landed on the floor, my thighs still straddling his shoulders. As his body was slowly falling ahed I jumped again and landed feet first behind his lifeless architecture.

"What's that power? The super I-can-jump-high?" Pietro snickered from his ongoing battle of fists.

I joined him and aimed my punch at Agent Hops that she tried to dodge but failed miserably. "Something like that, Sonic." My eyes met with Pietro's while Hops was on the floor.

Right before she got her strength to get back up I sat on her stomach and impaled her cold heart with my hidden blade.

I could sense the man slowly losing life while his eyes were starting to close.

My vision was separated from Pietro's mystical orbs and emerald smile to the sight of another set of opening doors.

My body darted over to Agent Volvo who was just exiting room six, his frame aiming to hit Bucky.

I was right behind him when I contemplated a scissor kick, her body darted behind to my figure.

In the hustle of this moment I switched both my guns for my little akuchi knife, she aimed a punch to my face which I quickly dodged, her reflexes fast while she tried to send her elbow to upper cut me.

I glided to the side and sent a rough spinning side kick onto her hips, right when she was hesitant my brawny concussion strike made a large impact on her as she took some steps back.

Without wasting any time I delivered my knife to the left side of her neck, Volov's eyes losing sight while she started gagging.

I drew the bloody blade out when she let out a dribbling cough, I quickly swung my knife to the left side of her neck when she dropped onto the floor.

Her body wriggling and turning from side to side trying to cling onto life. Contended, I looked over to the other dead agent with a red fog clouding over him. Wanda's work.

Rooms seven, eight and nine seemed to unlatch, Bucky darted past me almost entering a room. Wanda seemed to join the party desperate to take down the agent from room eight while Pietro threw himself into room nine.

I watched, as it almost seemed like they were trying to give me a small break. I don't need one, I can easily take out al those three agents at one. I am superior, but I isn't this how people help each other... right?

The next hour was spent in blood shed and violence with a mixture of deadly moves and near death experiences.

Bucky and I took the hits gracefully but the attacks seemed to take a toll on Wanda and Pietro.

I insisted they take a small breather, and so they did although resting on the stairs wasn't ideal they seemed to adjust.

I was flustered on why Pietro of all people needed a break as he was the one with the most increased metabolism but I never questioned him.

A couple more doors that kept mutators at par were to soon be unleashed.

Bucky and I were looking over at all the bodies we had to take down with a lot of effort put in, towering the heaving structures' of the twins.

My eyes were quick to shift from the war zone to Bucky's messy strands that fell perfectly onto his eyes. His pink flushed lips were parted and his gaze fixed onto the blood, his eyes were dark and almost soulless but inviting. Bucky's body seemed stiff and his eyebrows arched.

My stare was interrupted by Pietro who coughed loudly looking over at my eyes which were on Bucky's toned body, which was covered by his dangerously pleasing attire. I couldn't make out if it was genuine or forced but his neon irises seemed to portray grief sprinkled with some anger.

Wanda finally stood erect and I now knew that we as a team, are ready to take down one of the deadliest things on this earth.

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