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I looked back onto my platter hoping Bucky's face wouldn't be seen to Afflon, turning by the time I looked away.

Hoping for no questions that would help me to avoid a dead body today, speeding through my thoughts I took my delicious frappe back to my lips.

"Who were you even looking at?" He chuckled hoping to catch my attention, perplexed I looked back up to see a non-Bucky environment around me.

Did he leave the café in a second? Even if he did why didn't I hear the sound of the door open and close again?

"Just spaced out." I shook my head.

"Thinking about what?" He chuckled taking a sip of his warm drink.

"The things I want to do to you." My eyes slowly drifted to his, of course his brain would analyse it as something intimate when all I meant was to see his brain in the middle of a bloody pool on the floor.

"Oh and what's that?" He moved in closer awaiting an answer right as I was done with my sandwich.

"I might just show you." A grin stretching from ear to ear. "You done with your drink?"

"Oh yes I am why?"

"Hold mine, lets walk." I suggested, handing over my drink to him as he politely obliged.

We made our way out the café while I was savouring the parfait he brought his phone out scrolling down as he put it to his ear.

"Hello, yes can you pick us up where you dropped off my flower and I." And with that he kept the phone back in his pocket.

"Thanks for...lunch." I spoke between spoons of the healthy delicacy.

"Oh this date isn't done yet." Afflon exaggerated.

"Is this a date? How are you meant to feel in them?" I questioned.

"Yes this is a date, well that's what I feel at least and you're meant to be happy in them." He smiled watching me gobble the blueberry parfait sparing it no mercy.

Happy. Well I guess I'll never be on a date until the day I die if that's the emotion that emits from them. I found it hard to work out if Afflon knew I didn't possess emotions.

We strolled back to the west side of town looking over at our limo that had already approached the premises, the butler already awaiting us outside the car.

As we made ourselves comfortable inside Afflon started speaking. "The Hills please." And with that we were off.

I managed to finish the parfait before the car approached the hills, dumping my food inside the bin right as I was done Afflon's hand grabbed onto mine intertwining our fingers to snake around each other's.

We finally arrived, the place was surrounded by green and the chirping of birds, the sound of the stream I only ever looked over from my window was flowing down the mountains evading my ears with the sound of gushing water.

I looked over to a perfectly clear view of ARAE headquarters, the circular building stood out like a diamond in the rough.

"Isn't it beautiful." He stood beside me mesmerised himself.

"It sure is."

"Come sit." He said getting down the lush grass himself as I followed, there were absolutely no imperfections of the sight in front of my eyes.

"Felix, answer me something." I groaned. "Who are my parents?"

"Oh um... your parents, I-I don't know."

"You don't know? I know you do." I paused "I won't force you into telling me although it's my right to know but if you ever have the heart to tell me just knock on my door I'll answer." I finished.

"Look 49..."

"Cut the slack and speak up when you bitch down." I snapped.

"I have no fear in telling you 49, it's just you're not ready to hear it. Please don't do this I'm trying to have a good time with you for once." Afflon sighed, oh could I write a list bigger than Jupiter about all the horrible things he's done to me, but that will just have to wait until the big day.

"I understand, it's okay." I smiled at Afflon, his hands travelled to my shoulders pressing onto them gently to ease me down.

"Flower, I really like you..." He started only to be stopped by me.

"Ha nice." I sounded more like a guy at the bar who's friend just got lucky.

"Um...well do you feel the same?" He asked very so carefully, trying to play his cards jut right.

"I-I don't know... I mean-" I was left like a stuttering mess by the quick fire of question.

"It's okay, I know how bad I've been to you before, the last thing I'm going to do is earn your love and trust." His hands travelled to my shoulders, squeezing them gently to allow me to rid of my stress.

Oh Felix, if you only knew I would never be capable of loving someone but all I replied with was a single "Okay."

The sun started to make its way lower behind us, we were emerged in a world of orange while I could start seeing my shadow in front of me.

"Isn't Wanda pretty?" I blurted out.

"Um... yea she is but you look like a gift from the gods."

"It makes sense because my genetic traits are quiet rare." Right as I uttered those words, Felix's face turned to stone. "Something wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Oh no." He shook himself to become conscious again.

Trying to do my best at impression at 'caring' I wrapped my arm around his single right one, resting my head on his shoulder and inching in closer to him so our bodies connected.

"Where's Cho? It's been long."

"Oh you know Cho always going to new parts of the world, finding ingredients for new solutions." I felt his body harden as he answered.

"Yea, I guess so." I agreed with the blonde man.

"Oh here, this is for you." His hand left mine and reached over to his front pocket, he picked out a small silver chain, no pendant just a chain. Afflon took my hand and dropped it onto my palm.

It was pretty and I loved how it looked. "It's nice." I never really received anything special so I never knew how to respond.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit plain, it just reminds me that you can be your own person and not agree with something somebody already gave you." He paused. "So you can add whatever pendant you want."

"No, I really like it. I never get special things so I don't know how to thank people." I wore the chain on my neck right as I finished my sentence.

Afflon gave me a small side hug, trying to comfort me when our thoughts were interrupted by his phone.

He examined his phone, accepting the call when I exclaimed. "Put it on speaker!" Afflon doing exactly what I instructed him to.

"Sir, we need you here it's urgent." A man spoke over the phone, sounding roughly like Agent Bentley, a gentleman who I went on a mission with once. "Its HYDRA they got into our systems." And with those words Afflon and I both jittered up.

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