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"After that first day you met Pietro, I couldn't help but get jealous." He sighed.

"Oh right so you heard all of only this conversation." I let out a loud sigh of relief, my tense muscles eased at his words.

"I'm asking you again, do you like him?" His expressions changed, from the Afflon I knew he would slur in some swear words and look quiet angered but this time he looked like sadness itself.

"No... I don't." My mind wasn't able to comprehend all of this at once but I needed his trust until tomorrow, if I gained his trust he'd open my eyes to the inside world and what's really going on behind closed doors.

"O-okay." He replied sounding very uncertain to if he should believe me words or not. I had to act up, in this situation I can't be 'me' I had to be what Afflon wanted me to be.

"If I did like him, would I do this." My British accent dominating over his Swedish one when he looked at me in amusement and right then when our eyes met I grabbed onto his khaki coloured bomber jacket, frisky pulling him closer so our lips could collide.

He devoured my lips like a man who had just ate food for the first time in months, I faked a smile into it blindly allowing him to think I was actually enjoying this. He pushed me even further back resting his hand on my back whilst mine was still on his jacket.

His lips started moving more ferociously, almost acting as if they were only tasting the lips of the only woman on earth.

I pulled myself away never letting go of my smile. "You are one hell of a woman, I never knew you were going to be that skilled." He took a deep breath as he let it all out like a quick chuckle.

"I'm full of surprises." I commented, usually I despise playing with emotions but Afflon, oh he deserves his heart being visionary torn in two.

"We're here." The driver informed opening the door and giving both of us a helping hand out, both of us stood still he continued. "Call me once you're done sire." He poshly remarked bowing down to Afflon which was quickly followed by him jumping back into the limo and driving off.

"So like you got a plan or are we just going to freestyle." I curiously asked staring into the small population of people out at this current time.

The paths were lined with flowers and the scent of fresh air stole my nose. "I did have a little something special planned actually." He snorted. "Come." His legs started strolling towards a small floral themed café.

They were tables and chairs outside as well as in, we entered the cafe only to be greeted by a few couples scattered around the place, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans swam into my nostrils, the sound of small talk flew across the room.

"What would you like to have." His eyes shifted from the menu to me, whilst mine were fixed on the delicacies this café held.

"A medium caramel choco-chip frappe, with a blueberry parfait, a chicken sandwich and a small fruit salad." After ordering my eyes meet his. "You're paying right?" I asked to be clear.

He started laughing quietly at my words when he gained his breath back to answer. "Yes, I am you're such a gem flower."

"I'm going to go sit down." I finished going over to a clear seat at the back of the café which was meant for two people.

"I dare you to just take him back to the alley and put a bullet through his brains."

I'm obviously not going to that, he has contacts other than me and what if he orders for the death of the twins... like his last words, if my intentions to kill him are clear I know he has excessive training in military so that would be a little problem, after all that the sound would be too loud attracting people to the place.

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