•thirty two•

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My brain was fast to comprehend the massacre playing in front of my vision but I wasn't ready to accept it. My feet took off at the speed of light, trying to mimic Pietro.

"BUCKY!" I screamed for the second time, I landed right on my knees as I tried to cradle the man's structure.

Groans and a series of whimpers leaving his lips, Bucky's hand froze over the leaking blood from his abdomen.

Wanda rose in anger her eyes seemed to earn a deeper shade of red as she joined Pietro to try and stop Bolt while I was left with the injured man.

"Just breathe, please." I managed to tell the face of pure concealment. My body awoken with what seemed like the only feeling I had developed 'anger'.

It really intrigued me how I could feel anger although it's connected to love and hear break. I don't think I'll ever understand myself fully, I don't have feelings for Wanda, Pietro or Bucky but it's just what I want to convey so that they don't feel cheated on.

Maybe I feel anger because it's the only one feeling I know, I never felt love when I was small. Or how other people describe 'sadness' I think I vaguely know how that feels but I've never been too sure.

I've only ever truly felt anger, maybe that's why that emotion of mine never re-adapted. After my mind seemed to take a break from these burning thoughts my feet finally decided to stand tall.

I watched while Wanda tried to keep track of both the speedsters but they were both just a blur, knowing Pietro would be the right person to kill Bolt I chose to just stand and wait.

A couple minutes later I noticed how the neon lights were starting to loose pace and soon enough Bolt and Pietro were both in my clear vision.

Pietro was bruised badly, his lips now like mine while his cheeks were red due to impact too but Bolt had it worse, a sore eye, hanging lips, puffed cheeks and tears like a tsunami. Bolt was more than a wreck.

Knowing this was the perfect time to kill him I non hesitantly grabbed my gun and yelled over to the end of the corridor where they seemed to be standing "PIETRO... CATCH." My hands lifted up as I let of the gun, adding maximum force to it.

It seemed to go further into his direction when Pietro finally grabbed ahold of my property, he paralysed Bolt by placing the killing device at point blank.

But then I realised, what if I had given my hand gun to him? Oh no, that means Pietro can't fire it but my thoughts were put into a slumber when the ringing of a gun shot belled into my ear drums.

My pupils scanned the dead body of Bolt, knowing our final victim would be the nightmare everyone hoped never to come true.

Agent 48, of room fourteen.

Pietro dashed his way across to Bucky, staring him over "it's all my fault." He was trembling like the sea admits a storm.

"Shut up and take him back to level twenty six, rest him on the couch... try stop the bleeding once you're done I need you to go to level twenty three and get the specialised first aid kit and place it near Bucky." I instructed Pietro a deathly stare was exchanged between us. He sent me a nod and disappeared with the brunet leaving behind a trail of shimmering blue.

I noticed Wanda back by my side, the doors opened and all I wanted to do was take him out, the right amount of displeasure filling my system to help me gain a bloody win in the task.

There he was in all his glory, Agent 48... our similarities were startling to other people. His skin was tan while his lips a more subtle shade of pink compared to my deep red ones and his eyes as olive as mine.

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