•twenty six•

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"We passed level 2 no?" Wanda questioned at my actions in ignoring level 2.

"Bucky took out Level 2, gave everyone a personal visit in their rooms." I chuckled to myself.

As level 3 approached we all took our stance, I seemed to load my guns in preparation for the horrendous sins we were all about to commit.

I then remembered Bucky would've been low on ammo about now, so I spoke. "That's an AK-28 right? Here you go." I unloaded some bullets from my suspender belts across my stomach as I chucked them over to Bucky. He skilfully caught them all and started to fully load his riffle again. "Ready?" I asked everyone.

"Ready." Wanda and Pietro screamed out in response while Bucky let out a loud groan to indicate he was done loading the large gun.

"Ready." The voices snickered.

My eyes pondered to the security camera drinking in our presence on the left to the wall above. "Gunter." I screamed "Unleash both the levels." I asked firmly, knowing it would save us time if all thirty agents came charging at once.

I put my combat pistol back, bringing in my sabre sword onto my left palm instead. Now armed with a sword and gun surely the combination would redefine global mass murder. "They're going to come from all sides, I suggest you guys buckle up." Right as my forehead was drenched in sweat, the doors unlatched. A massacre of war screams erupted from the Level above.

Agents were darting from all corners of the long corridor, the beastly noises of loud masses of shoes thumping at the glass layered stairs were approaching closer. I let out a loud scream as I charged forwards.

My knife was to the side, bringing minor cuts to the victims who fell prey for me. Loud gunshots that were almost capable of draining the power to listen rang throughout the agency.

Wanda would lift people and throw them into walls while Pietro was capable of tripping over agents to slow down their attack rate.

Bucky was almost as skilled as me, he is capable of dropping agents by the minute yet he always wanted to put up a fight, my eyes flickered to the drenching scenerary.

The deadly amount of skilled meat we were fighting up against defiantly were never taught to be as merciful as me.

I felt a hard kick to my back, the blade of my katana indenting on my skin as my shirt was never there to ease the pain down on me.

A very limited amount of people were lying on the floor with their last breath taken as I realised the line our victory lingered upon was a neutral state.

My angered eyes darted back to a man who held me at gunpoint, my refelex's came to handy when I danced my handgun on a single finger. My left hand grasped on tight to his right as I speedily pointed his gun down, midway the trigger was pulled, injuring an agent in the leg who was dangerously close to me.

The other man behind us fell to his knees with screams of agony. My whole focus returned to the lad who tried to take me out, my wrist had now started to bend his forearm as he wriggled in discomfort "Please, let go I'm SORRY!" He pathetically pleaded at me, as I continued to twist.

"Beg more." His pleads like a peaceful song to my ears.

"Please, IM SORRY, I AM-" Right as the man with amber locks was about to loudly finish a thunderous 'crackle' gunned in our ears. I let go of his arm watching it remain broke, he cried out like a dog not getting its bone when I decided to end his suffering by a bullet.

Although torture was a guilty pleasure of mine, these fights had to get over soon as the real threats were still waiting patiently for us, ready to unleash wrath as their doors would creak open.

The man who was wailing by the bullet on his lower leg was now facing me, I put an end to his life with another bullet from my hand gun. A lady who was dressed similar to me was suddenly all my eyes had vision towards, sprinting like Pietro himself, I was capable of a quick dodge from her fist.

She was quick to turn back and held my neck in captivity, struggling for breath I swung my knife into her hip as she let go and fell back onto the dead body of my recent causality.

My sabre seemed to reek of her blood as I took it back into my custody. I remorsefully left her clinging onto life, as she would be dead due to blood loss at any passing second.

I looked back at Bucky who had already ditched his riffle again as there was too much man power surrounding him, trying to slowly take down agents with his bare hands I managed to help him out by shooting another two of my ex-co workers.

As the third bulled left my device, the small, deadly metal skimmed past Bucky's skin to land on a man behind his big frame.

My heart skipped a beat knowing that if my aim even went a little off the metal armed man would me lying on the floor amongst five bloody physiques.

My eagle like vision had randomly started to blur, the people around me were no more. The cries, shouts and bullets being fired were muted from my ears. In a sudden turn of events the scenery around me had transformed, I found myself staring into the night sky.

I looked down to see myself in the same uniform but my red high-top sneakers were switched with black leather boots, I noticed myself standing on top of a tiled roof. My dazed head was sprinting around to find clues as to where I was.

My vision was a lot clear now but still hazy, I took two long lunges, my eyes met to a small dusty pavement below me and a lane filled with old-fashioned markets and singular houses. They were apprentices screaming for sales while people were clothed bizarrely.

Walking in groups and muttering to themselves, My eyes looked around to see a tall building over casting the small city, it almost looked like a castle.

All the men wore trousers with button up shirts that were casually complemented with suspenders and boots similar to mine.

Whilst some women wore a rounded hat, the others didn't. Most ladies walking below my confused daze wore a dress, their upper body in a corset while the lower frock puffed up. Other lasses only clothed themselves with a plain dresses the colours ranged from a wide variety but the most common being deep blue and musk yellow.

"Nice here isn't it?" A familiar voice spoke, my body turned as I met with Enzio, he was strangely, heavily dressed for this mystery town as everyone else had a plain sense of clothing and no ammo on their bodies, except the two of us.

I had just noticed my blade and gun returned back to where they belong, did I get shot in the battlefield, is this what everyone experiences before sudden death?

"Am I alive? Where am I?" My ears hungry for answers, the red mist that always followed him around vanished this time around.

"Oh il mil incubo, this is your h-" He was cut off by my body in an intense amount of speed, the town before me vanished into pitch black, cheeks loose as my eyes were forced shut by the air pressing against them. My feet were off the ground and I felt someones arms wrapped around my back and thighs.

The air finally stopped hitting my body as the noises of pure torment filled my ears, I could feel my legs shakily return to the ground when I found the strength to open my eyes.

There he was in front my eyes, his platinum locks seemed to be a mess as they dropped onto his face, his stubble slowly scraped against my skin as he steadied my balance. "What happened printsessa? You almost got shot!" I finally realised that Pietro had used his speed in order for me to dodge a bullet.

"Just s-spaced out I'm fine." And with that vengeance finally painted itself over my eyes, my weapons were automatically back onto my hands, Pietro became a neon blur again as he was off to the end of the corridor, ready to avenge me when I was in need of it.

Where the hell was I?

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