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"Why would her neurotransmitters change rhythm and how will it affect her?" I impatiently asked hoping this wouldn't be the end of 49 but a new beginning.

"Flow of the neurotransmitters depend on biological DNA, I don't know why it's happing at such a late stage and how." Cho was whispering into the phone hoping 49 wouldn't be able to listen.

"49 only has three percent of her biological DNA the rest are just genetically modified cells that have no biological resemblance to her birth parents." Cho and I were in a loss of words at the madness going on inside 49' body.

"That is exactly why I'm so confused on her current situation." Cho replied.

"Tell me exactly what's going to happen to Iron Man and how giving him the serum that was meant for my flower is going to change anything."

"The serum I was meant to give 49 is called The Refiner it sends electrons through the bloodline and spreads it across the body enhancing bones, and hardening the skin cells making the normal epidermis like a layer of defensive armour." She paused to take a gasp of air.

"And the serum you gave 49 which was meant for Tony?" I shakily interrogated not ready for any type of answer.

"If you want me to speak science English, it takes your flaws and increases them, it will also stop her vital organs from functioning properly at a very slow pace, killing her in the time period of a month."

"Listen carefully you mishap, I need you to find an antidote for 49 and reverse what ever you did to enhance Tony." I paused fiddling with the pens on my desk "And no more experiments on 49, she's had enough."

"Yes Mr.Afflon" She finished while I cut the line remembering all those sleepless nights 49 suffered by sitting down on a single experimentation bed, while the rest of the world slept with wonderful dreams gifted by angels themselves 49 shook alone on an experiment bed, the liquids in her veins forcing her dainty body to take a walk through hell.

Screaming her way through countless days when the only sensation her body was used to were needles, sharp knives, and electric waves flowing throughout her brain.

Tony would live but never really know the changes in his body unless something affected it forcing him to notice the revamp.

Helen Cho would most possibly have aid to help 49 in another week but as for Tony it shouldn't take less than three days.

*Agent 49's POV*

"So who were you talking to?" I asked Cho when her eyes met mine, curious to know the voice behind her speaking session.

"Oh never-mind that." She spoke with pleasant gesture while bringing a chair next to me seating herself on it. "I need some answers 49."

"Oh yes sure ask away."

"Have you had any sort of hallucinations in the past twenty four hours?" She asked looking quiet concerned.

"We should be your pretty little secret 49."

The strange voice said again, Helen was right I am having hallucinations, I'm hearing this strange voice in my head which I have no idea what the cause is behind.

"No." I simply answered. She stopped any other question from spilling out while standing up.

Helen then helped me get out this experiment bed that always seemed to remind me of all the horrible things that have ever happened, not that my life had any good moments... ever.

As I left the big room that had another four experimental beds and high tech looking gadgets on the other end. I entered the elevator going back to -2 my mind only concerned to check on the twins.

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