•twenty seven•

477 19 12

I felt Wanda's scarlet stare burn through my lungs, the whole ride I just been through still echoed in my brain cells.

I looked over the experience, knowing that this the worst time I could ever pay attention to it, right now my mind should be on 'slaughter'.

"You okay?" I finally heard Wanda's voice booming from behind me.

"Yea, sorry." And by saying that my mind fixed on the mission at this moment, abruptly my body was taken down by a man who had straddled my hips, my right hand was stuck to the floor drenched in blood.

His whole body weight was placed on my left hand and hips as he was directly on them, both of his huge hands pressed the side of my face towards the blood on the floor. My ears tingled to the sensation of flowing liquids trying to seep into them.

As my wrist could wriggle around, he never noticed my gun aiming straight at point blank, and with a simple forcefully pushed trigger his body laid waste on the once clean, white, marble floor.

My feet had finally found the strength to get up, looking around at the scenes I has missed, Bucky had managed to take down three agents, Wanda had killed off two other assassins. Pietro hadn't tackled a dead body on this floor until now but he was putting up an amazing fight.

I felt the blood swarm past my face, it was slowly dribbling down to my neck at a slow pace because of how thick the liquid was.

Wanda was a wonderful aid, the skilled lady had managed to throw away most of the guns carried by the ARAE workers. Bucky's position had gone further frontal, my gazed locked upon his body and the people around him.

A lady was violently trying to stab him, but Bucky being the skilled fighter he is, managed to dodge every single attack that was blown by her. Getting annoyed at the show in front of my eyes, I aimed my gun and shot two bullets at her abdomen.

Pietro being at the front of the corridor like last time had managed to notice the helping hand I was lending towards Bucky, thus he was by my side in an instant.

Whoever dared come close to me in a jiffy their body would be thrown to the wall and joining the floor but their heart still beating.

I managed to kill all five workers surrounding Bucky while he was just finished punching another man to his death, in this time period my eyes gazed onto two other agents right in front of me who Pietro managed to pin down.

My handgun was out of bullets, I swiftly locked it back onto my police belt making my katana a bloody comeback. Little droplets of blood were dried on the blades but that seemed to change as in a matter of seconds as I impaled the agents, each with one sword.

Tears streamed down both of their sweaty faces as I pulled the crimson blades out of their layers.

Knowing his work was done the platinum haired man rushed over to Wanda who was doing an incredible task in making agents pass out while some were manipulated into attempted suicide.

I watched as Bucky strolled across to me, his black riffle oozing with fresh blood, the scent overpowering us as it accompanied the layers of liquid present on my swords. "Wanda make them form a crowd around you and don't release them until i say so." I shouted across to her.

Suddenly all the agents that were charging towards Bucky and I halted, almost like they were under a trance all of them slowly walked merrily towards the Maximoffs, the colour red imprinted onto their irises.

I started to sprint all the way to room 15 while Bucky followed me, never leaving my side a subtle smile flowing onto his lips. We trampled over bodies and crushed hearts with our bare feet. Some of the blood trying to flow into my shoes.

The thick liquid was now gushing past my shoulders, falling on my collarbone it collected into a puddle where my skin fell in deep and my bone erected out long.

My worn out feet seemed to disrupt the peaceful living of the blood collected in the ditch of my skin as it started trailing down my body once again.

As we were finally at the end of the corridor my voice was heard again "Break the trance, and get up the stairs." I instructed Wanda seeing the straight line she aligned of the remaining living souls.

I pushed my swords back into the suspenders, brining out both my guns and hurridly filling them before the agents get back into their normal state. I was done with my combat pistol while Pietro and Wanda had stumbled back onto the marble stairs, before loading my other gun I dug my hand into my half-zipped leather jacked and threw over some bullets to Bucky.

His reflexes stronger than ever while he grasped onto them, we both had stressfully started shoving the ammo into our guns when all of a sudden all the agent's eyes were on us. "CHARGE!!" A man in the middle pointed to our direction.

At his command everyone was running in our way, my eyes fixed on them while my fingers focused on the struggles of loading my gun, Bucky seemed to face the same dilemma. Many of them tripping over wasted bodies while some slipping over the excessive amount of blood on the floor.

I noticed half the blood leaking down the stairs and trying to get down different floors. The pace of my heart was building fast, while my hands started to shake. Two fast figures had brought themselves back onto their feet and towards us.

The nerve wrecking situation caused me to unexpectedly drop my loaded combat pistol, I looked over to Bucky who almost seemed like he was going to pass out an any second.

A man in front of us fell face flat but the other going strong, my heart started to build up tension, my spine felt a chill wave swimming through it, my eyes rapidly crossing over from my hand gun over to his jogging body and the mass of people following behind him.

Wanda and Pietro were growing pensive at every passing second, the blond man was getting closer to me when finally the bullets nudged in.

My left foot stroked back as I hurriedly bent my right knee, my hidden blade sprung out just in time to impale the man not further than an inch from my body. His architecture towered over me while I then sent a bullet flying into his kidneys. The relieving sound of Bucky's firing riffle eased my body.

I rapidly picked up my other gun on the floor and set both my armed arms out, the hidden blade going back into its dwelling.

Bucky and I shot the remaining agents who seemed to trip, some tried going back the other way to exit the building but no one was left alive.

Right as the last living body dropped soullessly Pietro stated clapping like a child who had just witnessed his favourite player take the gold medal.

"Well done soldier." My green orbs drifted towards Bucky while his silver gaze lingered on mine. A faint smile trying to creep back onto his lips while I let out the loudest sigh of relief.

Satisfied by our close victory the tall man stared making his way back to Wanda who was still seated on stairs whilst Pietro wanted to make his way towards me, once my hands left the guns in my police belt I started to walk towards them.

I tried to keep up with Bucky's pace over the liquids and solids that invaded the floors but he just seemed too fast. Pietro found the way I tried joining them amusing as he let out a thread of giggles.

My feet suddenly lost its balance over the slimy liquid as I felt my body stumble back, but in a matter of milliseconds Pietro's mesmerising face reigned over mine.

He gently tried lifting me up but failed in his attempt as we both tumbled down, my stiff body laying right on top of Pietro's tall one.

His hair seemed to fall perfectly on the floor while my heavy head rested on Pietro's chest. I felt him heaving, the hubbub of his heartbeat travelled across my ears. Wanda has started to laugh hysterically from afar.

A delicate smile made its way to my lips looking at Pietro's groaning body, I noticed how hilarious our fall would've been in another persons shoes. My eyes met with his beige stubble and pink lips while his meandered deep into my longing pupils.

He let out an embarrassed chuckle as his head fell back onto the scarlet floor that now absorbed into his locks, making it a shade of cherry red, my hands roamed up to his chest and my drenched head lay back on his body as we both joined Wanda to shamelessly laugh at ourselves.

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