•thirty one•

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Level twenty five, the finale and I hope all of us will make it out alive, if we didn't then I'll make sure that ARAE burns down with every single thread of secret with it.

Four of us aligned when room one opened without any hesitation, all of the agents on this floor had good ties with me especially agent Abel London of room six, agent Bolt of room thirteen and my favourite agent in ARAE of room fourteen.

My fingers briefly lingered onto the smoke bomb, I could awknoledge the presence of my other companions growing more worried as the clock ticked in fear of the devil who dwelled in room one.

My fingers harshly pressed onto the 'activate' button for the smoke bomb, my hand still held the bomb close as I wanted for it to go off at the right moment.

'7... 6... 5... 4... 3... NOW." I threw the bomb right infront of me, so the smoke could spread across a wide area. The fumes would be sure to reveal the 'Transparent' the agent who could turn invisible at any time.

The bomb went off as I heard Pietro coughing, this bomb was usually meant as a distraction to blind others while I escape but my eyes were more than alive. I swiftly turned back to see a slightly hazy figure.

Right as the smog set in, the anatomy of a tall, bulky man soon set into my pupils. "Wanda, there." I tried to inform the witch, hoping her eyes were as livid as mine.

She proved my doubts right when my green glimpse spotted a ruby mist form into a circle around the figure, Wanda hovered him around in the unclear air when finally a crimson light bordered his body.

I watched as the figure was stretched until finally, a rain of blood submerged all three of us and Transparent's now visible body chopped in half fell to the ground, his eyes wide awake whilst his heart in an endless slumber.

The smoke started to clear up and I finally spotted Bucky opening his eyes. "Wanda, that was sick! you should really do that more often." The excitement in me filled the air around us when i could finally get a grasp of her content face.

"Agreed." She merrily laughed, the skilled moment disrupted due to the immense scream by Agent Ali of room two.

His target was my body, I thrusted my frame upwards and clenched onto my sabre sword in the given amount of landing time behind him, before I could turn back to strike him, his attention was all for Bucky.

Ali was quick to dodge the punches by the man with the metal arm but Wanda seemed to levitate his body just as quick, knowing that rooms two to five had normal agents I came up with the nerve wrecking idea to unleash them all.

"Gunter until five." My head tilted to the cctv as I informed him, my only reply being the unlatching of doors.

Similar faces were sprinting towards me, hungry for a kill they came with bullets and knives. I noticed a jet haired man trying to aim a direct him to my stomach.

Wasting no time my left foot clung onto the wall beside me as I forced my body up and spiralled behind him. His posture was quick to turn when he aimed for my neck, swinging right I tried to injure the man but he was able to easily dodge the attack.

At the corner of my eye I saw Pietro pin down agents who weren't used to his speed, Bucky was doing an excellent job in making the skilled attacks thrown at like a sloppy theatre, injuring the agents with his small hand knife while Wanda was hypnotising rivals and blasting them into all corners of the room.

My attention was quickly brought back to the green eyed man in front of me when his speedy punch landed on my cheek, impossible to dodge my body flew back.

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