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It was tragically late at night, my own body almost forcing itself to get no sleep. Accepting defeat, I got up from bed looking over to the alarm clock on my bedside draw that read 12:17 am.

Oh how I longed to know about the whole hacking facade that was going on. I walked down lit up the corridor and other silenced rooms only in my red shorts and white tank top.

I ditched my plans of taking the elevator, hoping I'd get tired to go back to sleep if I took the stairs.

I reached Level 17 my eyes locked onto the hardworking agents all around the room pressing keys onto a keyboard while some used the computers as touchscreen, happy for both options to be present.

I was aware they all felt my presence but not one of them budged or even gazed up to me, I strolled myself to Agent Bentley who was placed further back.

"Did Afflon give any instructions?" I asked finally reaching the middle aged man.

"About hacking into our own systems? Yes he did, also mentioned the idea came from you. The whole Level's working on it as a team." He seemed to answer all my questions except one.

"Is it possible?"

"This is one of those cases where it could be one of the most simple tasks to do or one of those requests by Satan himself." Sighing, his mocha coloured eyes never left the screen while his fingers were glued to the keyboard.

I seemed to have no reply, staring at his screen that was filled with various numbers and random signs.

"Oh, my god Bentley." The man to my right joined in, I noticed a seemingly growing radiant smile on his and Bentley's face.

Their fingers seemed to grow faster at typing while their eyes scanning everything on the screen in less than minutes, I watched as Bentley's lips parted never letting go of his grin.

They definitely are onto something here and I was sure if it just as peaked to the girl on the left to us, her face had the similar reaction that was plastered all over Bentley and the coal haired guy to our right.

Could it be? Was there actually a way to pull this off? My growing thoughts were halted by heavy breathing given off by everyone in the room.

My hand rested on Bentley's chair, my mouth wanting to ask what where this was leading but I didn't want to interrupt anyone. I don't want to take down another tragedy under my name, this one going something like 'the only reason HYDRA captured us all' or if that sounded way off the peace treaty they were trying to offer, it would go something like 'the reason we were all forcefully bought into working for HYDRA.'

That sounded about right but it was forbiddingly tempting just to speak up, trying to tame myself and gain more self control I mentally zipped my mouth shut and threw the key away into space.

I let out a loud groan, a fire emitting inside me burning for answers to flood the blaze out.

In a matter of seconds everyone stood up out of their chairs pushing them wherever, everything seemed to slow down for me, I watched as a wave of people from the front to the back rose.

My irises flickered over to Bentley as he joined me, erecting upwards. The motion followed all the way to the agents at the back.

My ears caught the sound of pure screams that oozed with relief, cheering and peachy smiles spread across the room like wildfire, the whole level momentarily turned into a wild bar, everyone was a shouting mess. I guess they all did finally complete the mission.

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