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Vogar, Iceland

As we reached the deserted mountain area that only had one building which was ARAE headquarters, a man carried Wanda over his shoulder while another carried Pietro mimicking him.

The helicopter landed right on top of the building, I felt the foggy clouds around me as I inhaled the pure, fresh air surrounding me.

I always loved how the ARAE headquarters looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie whilst everything around us seemed like an expressive painting, floating around on a canvas of the beautiful scenery in 1950's.

The crystallised sparks on top of the mountains shimmered even in the dark, the vivid reflection of the full moon rippling on the lake beneath. It was just minutes passed midnight when I realised my meeting with Mr.Afflon would be anything but pleasant.

My acquaintances, Jett and Gunter were following behind me with the two unconscious bodies over their shoulder as I made my way towards the glass door.

"Why do you stick around when they always treat you like this?"

Who was that? "You said something Jett?" I mumbled as I turned to look at the ginger haired, middle aged man.

"Oh uh nothing... miss" He furrowed his eyebrows confused at the words I had just spoke.

I entered into the small room that only contained a lift and a small plant pot while I held the door open for the boys to enter.

As we waited for the lift to arrive in the boxed room a voice message boomed bouncing off the four walls.

"I would like everyone to give Agent 49 a warm welcome as she succeeded on both her missions in New York and successfully made it back to Vogar without a scratch on her pretty doll face." I could make out that Swedish accent and deep voice from miles away if I had to.

The elevators greeted us in when I gradually pressed the buttons onto the floor -2 knowing Afflon would reside there at my arrival.

When the elevator finally stopped taking us down a total of twenty seven floors my eyes adjusted to the dark cellar type space.

Black walls surrounded this underground level, no windows present other than two yellow bulbs that only flickered in the evening or night. This was a sub room as there was another connected to this one. The door to the other sub room only opened with Afflon's voice.

There was one table and chair in each room the only other only furniture being a hard bed. Everything in these rooms were made of impenetrable steel, the walls, the furniture. Everything.

My eyes met with Felix's sapphire ones. "Well done Agent 49" He proudly said, which all I responded to was with a nod of approval. "Place Pietro in this room and Wanda in the other. Lie them down on the bed and cuff their hands and legs to it."

"Yes sir." They said in unison whilst they both started to carry out his command.

"Should we wait in the viewing room?" Gunter asked while he set down Pietro onto the bed. The viewing room was like those rooms in police stations where there's a one way mirror. Our viewing room was the same only difference our steel doubled up as a one way mirror.

Viewing rooms were double sided which means to view Wanda you would be sitting on the opposite side to her. "Yes." Was all Afflon simply complied by, we both watched Pietro's unconscious body being cuffed by Gunter to the bed.

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