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Fury had just made it out of BellFlower Medical Hospital when his earpiece rang. "Agent Hill?" he assumed, touching the plastic to switch it on.

"They've found a lead." All she replied. Fury slowly made his way to the black car, strolling leisurely and ignoring the honks being thrown at him from other vehicles.

"Well? Give me details, Agent Hill. What's her location? What's her name? Is she enhanced?"

"I'm afraid the only picture of her is one from when she was six, sir. Her location is New York...currently." Agent Hill paused. "She doesn't have a name, sir."

Fury casually listened to the calming voice of Maria, taking a seat in his car. He sank right into the comfy leather before closing his eyes, missing the sense of comfort when his mind was still paralysed on the thought of three threats. "What exactly does her agency call her by...girl?" He rhetorically questioned Hill, knowing she'd answer with a name.

"Sir, her names a number. They call her Agent 49. Born on the 16th of November, 1999."

"That's on her birth certificate?" He grunted due to the lack of necessary information.

"This is serious, Fury."

"Well give me her facial description, the stuff that matters. Skin, eye and, hair colour." Fury started the engine transferring the call from his tiny ear piece to the speakers on his lavish SUV.

He pressed onto the accelerator, moving from the parallel parking space knowing that he had to approach the Avengers tower.

"She's exotic Nick, skin colour is a chocolate shade, almost like yours only the littlest bit lighter. She has piercing green eyes and brown hair, her lips are scarlet like the juiciest apple." Maria finished right as Fury landed on a red light.

The swarm of cars ahead of Fury made his head turn to look out the other window. His eyes roamed the thousands of people walking to their destination, some wearing suits while others looked casual, some holding up coffee while others the morning newspaper. The chatter from outside slowly strayed into his car.

He saw all these helpless people, wondering how each one of them had a different life, a different family, different faces to see when they get home. The breathtaking smile that erupts from ones lips to see their loved ones back home at the end of the day.

He realised how that could all change in one second as the thought of this Agent 49 Maria had just described, what she was planning to do right here in New York, what her goal was, all these innocent lives at risk, their families on the verge of a meltdown. He definitely knew Agent 49 was nothing but trouble and all that came with it. That grief and heartbreak could be stopped if they captured Agent 49.

Pietro and Wanda Maximoff suddenly became his second interest when he realised these fragile emotions of the other person, he realised the grief that could be avoided by putting all his pressure onto S.H.I.E.L.D's search party for this single girl.

"Did she kill the fifty people in the warehouse.?" he asked, wanting to make sure he would make the right decision to stop looking for the Maximoff twins.

"I'm glad you asked, Nick, I was just getting there. Our lab results show that some of these people died in the state of shock, no physical pressure was put on them. None of the fifty people have had alcohol or drugs in their system for (the) past 48 hours which rules out the theory of overdose or chemical reactions to their death."

"The others?"

"Stab wounds, bullets and blood loss in combat."

"Shit, blood loss in combat, that would take a long time."

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